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hair thining

10 years ago
2 posts

I've been a dready for over thirteen years now and have loved every minute of it! My hair defines me as a person but also shows my dedication and patience. Recently I've noticed that my wispy hair in the front has started to thin out. I've done some reading online and have read about dreadlocks being heavy and pulling out weaker follicles. When my dreads get to the point of getting sat on and stuck in my seat belt I usually go through and cut them into a shorter do, which last for a good 3 or 4 years until I have to do it again. So even though I have had dreads for many years, I don't feel they get to the point where they weigh me down! I have read this happens more frequently in women, which I am, but was wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if anyone had some good suggestions for me!

updated by @phattygirl22: 02/14/15 03:17:48AM
10 years ago
833 posts

My dreads are only 7 years old. I do know that my dreads are getting heavy. I plan on keeping mine to my ass. I will trim them to keep them at that length. I have a lot of wispy hair around my face. I don't think it is thinning, but it does not really grow. I take 10,000 mcg of Biotin every night. It has encouraged a lot of new growth. I would also recommend scalp massage. Because we have dreads our scalp gets ignored. We can not brush to stimulate blood flow. So massage is very important. Blood flow keeps a scalp happy and encourages blood flow. It also keeps the hair follicles from getting clogged. Clogged hair follicles can cause hair loss. Also hot sauce is a good thing!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

my dreads are beyond the ground 24 yearsand growing i have xzero thinning typically thinning comes from not weight buttennsion

yes tension can be a result of weight but would need to be excessively long and heavy typicaly thats from roottighhtening ofcourse if your not root tightening wich i hope your not then it can be from keepimgthem tied back alot tightly or styled etc its notonly tension but tension over time without relief

so even if you had excesively long heavy dreads having no tensionwhile u sleep or releivingthe tension by redistributing the weight woulkd preventthe thinning

theres no reason to keep cutting them there are ppl that have dreads past the floor and play sports they just tuck em into a backpack or sling or tie em around thier waist tgo keep em out ofthe wy

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
2 posts

Thanks! I'll try biotin! My dreads are not very tight by the scalp but I did find out I had a food allergy earlier this year and got a couple of rashes on my body from the allergic reaction, one of which was on my head where my hair is thinning. I though it would start growing back by now but maybe I just need to help it along. Thanks for the responses!

10 years ago
122 posts

Hi Taye! I was wondering what you meant about hot sauce being good? This may sound silly but you do mean eating food with hot sauce right, not some sort of scalp rub with it I'm not aware of? :)

taye said:

My dreads are only 7 years old. I do know that my dreads are getting heavy. I plan on keeping mine to my ass. I will trim them to keep them at that length. I have a lot of wispy hair around my face. I don't think it is thinning, but it does not really grow. I take 10,000 mcg of Biotin every night. It has encouraged a lot of new growth. I would also recommend scalp massage. Because we have dreads our scalp gets ignored. We can not brush to stimulate blood flow. So massage is very important. Blood flow keeps a scalp happy and encourages blood flow. It also keeps the hair follicles from getting clogged. Clogged hair follicles can cause hair loss. Also hot sauce is a good thing!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

hot6 sauce would bring bloodflow to the surface so would any thing like cayane but can also cause boils etc if left on or too strong

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
833 posts

Both. Eating hot sauce is good for blood flow. Rubbing a bit of cayenne pepper onto the scalp also encourages blood flow. Make sure your skin is not too sensitive to it be fore you do it!

Nathaniel Lopez
10 years ago
26 posts

Please don't rub that in your hair. Your right that blood flow is very important, but there are cleaner and safer ways to do it.

taye said:

Both. Eating hot sauce is good for blood flow. Rubbing a bit of cayenne pepper onto the scalp also encourages blood flow. Make sure your skin is not too sensitive to it be fore you do it!

Nathaniel Lopez
10 years ago
26 posts

I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's most likely just caused by your food allergy. Give it about and year and if there is still thinning then see a doctor. While tension is a common cause of thinning, it is by far more common that thinning hair is the result of another health problem. I hope this was helpful. Best of luck.

phattygirl22 said:

Thanks! I'll try biotin! My dreads are not very tight by the scalp but I did find out I had a food allergy earlier this year and got a couple of rashes on my body from the allergic reaction, one of which was on my head where my hair is thinning. I though it would start growing back by now but maybe I just need to help it along. Thanks for the responses!

10 years ago
833 posts

Actually a bit of cayenne rubbed on the scalp is safe and clean. It rinses out clean as a whistle. It is not applied to the hair. It is applied to the scalp. It has been used for a very long time to stimulate hair growth. I don't recommend using a pound of it. I said a bit of it. Which means a pinch. It works as long as a person does not have sensitive skin.

Nathaniel Lopez said:

Please don't rub that in your hair. Your right that blood flow is very important, but there are cleaner and safer ways to do it.

taye said:

Both. Eating hot sauce is good for blood flow. Rubbing a bit of cayenne pepper onto the scalp also encourages blood flow. Make sure your skin is not too sensitive to it be fore you do it!

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