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pictures comparing dreadlock methods at various stages

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts

its simple post pictures of your dreads including the methods you used any and all maintenance used and the approximate time since started or stage theyre in

mine i dont have any early on pics
so heres what i got

method natural aka neglect

maintenance only ripping to prevent congos (stopped that too a year ago)
time/stage 18-10 years very mature

now add yours
hoping this helps ppl choose the right methods for them

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 01/22/20 09:33:16AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
c'mon ppl post your pics and methodsthis can help lotta ppl visualize the stages they should expect based on the methods they choose

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
141 posts
I have a whole blog dedicated to my dreads stages & progression, from my neglect to t&r and then after the salon... and have waaaaay too many pics to post here.Here's some pic's from tonight as promised all day almost 3 months old... Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Here's a pic from a few weeks ago showing the texture... Photobucket and now from tonight same dreads just shrunk more since I have got lax about palmrolling Photobucket
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
willow your a hottie :)but ok the 1st neglect pic was showing great progress fir juest 2 weeksthe twist n looked amazingthen the salon..well they dreads..lil too neat but u were worried biut your medical careeer so i understand..the texture just looks slightly off (for everyone else whos not aware they did a dread perm, barely but did use the harsh chems )my only concern being that as they grow out there wilol be a texture differencebut they did hget the professional neatrness u wantedprobly a month longer after t& r tho woulda neatened em up alot just from tightrening

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
141 posts
Thanks SE!Yea I was horribly afraid of the judgement from medical staff as I am trying to maintain professionalism in the childbirth field. I loved the T&R.. They felt healthier than they do now after the harsh chemicals (word of advice), Dying or perming dreads will fry them!I dont mind the difference in texture, except that they are not as healthy as they could be if I had left em alone but as they grow and dread on their own from here on out- I am certain they will go through many changes in texture but I will love them and their many phases and textures..I havent seen any blogs with dread perm progressions (and I have googled hard looking for them) so I have no idea what they will look like as they age. (Which is one of the reasons why I started mine)Not to mention most of the pictures of dread perms I have seen look nothing like my dreads- usually the dread perms leave the hair in distinct spiral dreads. Mine not at all like that.As far as the "fried dreads" its not as yummy as fried chicken believe me.. I keep a bottle of fennel tea in a sprayer to help condition and soften them babies, as well as when I wash them I rub a little aloe in them to quench their thirst a bit. No wax or other crazy money wasting stuff, just the basic natural stuff from nature to help bring em back to good health.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
yea i havent seen any dread perm timelines cause i think theyre fairly rare..usualy a last resort option if hair just wont dreadfunny thing is you wanna be a midwifei think a midwife would be most respected if she was a totaly natural type barefoot bralesws unshaven no makeup dreads with ferns growin in um.. natural childbirth you want a natural practitioner not a sterile doctor in white coati think it wassnt so much your concern as the ppl around u projecting theyre concerns onto you and u buckling under the pressure

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
141 posts
O & I wanted to add: After the salon, they looked more like dreads, but they were still pretty loose just like regular dreads except maybe a little tighter, I am noticing how much tighter they are now than when I first left the salon. So dreading whether you perm or not or salon or not still is a waiting game for them to mature. Salons only make them "appear" more mature than they are. Which was helpful for me though in my career. But for others who can get away with it, I recommend just going natural.
15 years ago
1 posts
Crocheting method is the one that I useOk these are mine within the first hour, after I got them:

This was just taken when I saw Soaringeagle's Discussion:

updated by @redread: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
15 years ago
47 posts
first pic was day after sorta backcombing, 2nd was a month after and the last was today, 2 months. Have done nothing but rip apart the ones growing together, all in all, im pretty pleased
15 years ago
47 posts
and one more just to see from the front
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