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Nerves and Questions about starting Natural Dreads

11 years ago
19 posts

I'm not even sure where to begin.

I have thought about dreading before but I guess I didn't have the guts to do it at the time, or it is also possible that my bf at the time was against it :P I don't remember when it was, really. But anyways, just in the last couple of days I have been considering it. I've always admired people with dreads and I think they are very pretty. I am trying to simplify and naturalize my life as much as possible. I feel like dreading might help me sort of let go of my previous life and help me start into my new way of life and living.

Some things I'm nervous about as far as hair goes:
My hair is very fine. It does tangle very easily which I think will probably help with dreading.. but I'm worried it will just turn into a rats nest! Is there something I would be able to do to prevent this? Does it naturally when you wash it 'un-nest'? My hair is also not very strong. It breaks a lot when I brush and comb. Maybe this is a moot point to worry about since I wouldn't be combing it with the neglect method.

I guess it boils down to not wanting crazy loopy ziggy dreads but not wanting to use backcombing or crochet since those methods seem to damage hair more. I have seen some people online with year old dreads that are still crazy loopy. Would wrapping them early on get them to be a little more round/uniform? And what happens if two dreads start to grow together by the tip? Is it okay to separate them there?

Sorry I'm asking a TON of questions, I have absolutely no experience with dreading and I am trying to get most if not all possible scenarios/questions answered before I start :P My final worry for this post is keeping myself looking neat during the beginning for work.


updated by @janna: 02/14/15 09:56:51AM
the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Hi Janna, where do I start, I'll just jump around. In order to have beautiful, healthy, natural dreads, they will need to zig zag, loop, shrink etc. in order to do their dreading, as back combing and twist & rip are not dreads, just the blueprints. If you wrap them, use embroidery thread at the beginning and do it in a criss cross design, which will still allow them to dread, wrapped too tight they can't do their journey. If two dreads join together, either separate them by hand or let em join, depending on the thickness. At the scalp area, do not let the section be larger than 1 inch, otherwise they will take longer to dry and be heavier when mature.

I am at the one year mark, and yes, they are loopy & messy, but that's okay because one day I will have beautiful mature dreads. We all have different hair textures, water etc. so we dread at different speeds. This is where the patience comes in.

Fine hair knots, as does yours, so you know you can do it. You will only have one giant mess if you do not separate the sections, keeping them under 1 inch. Your hair breaks with combs & brushes, well lucky you will never need them again.

you are on a journey at this junction of your life, so be simple, let em dread naturally and sit back to reflect on things. Letting go will relieve many stress factors in life.

Please read the dreaducation pages at the top, read many blogs etc to find out the best way for YOU to dread. Peace be with you

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

they have to get p[loopy and thats beautiful fun stage

seperating keeps the nest less nesty

tho it good to have that wildness early on

you do not need to keep them neat for work just pull em back or sonmething

they rarely join at the tips usualy at the roots but yea seperate if they do

dont let a boyfreind not likeing them ever affect your decision too be you

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
19 posts

So if I wrap in a criss cross it might kind of tame the loopiness a little? I understand it's part of the process, I guess I'm just worried about reactions from family and bosses, etc. I live and work in a small town although I grew up in a University town that I think the community there would be a lot more accepting than where I am now.

Barrellady: I have looked through some of the dreaducation page, and the Dreads 101 thread that (i think) Soaring Eagle posted. I'll definitely check out the blogs, too.

Soaring Eagle: He and I split a year ago and I have been able to grow so much as a person and spirit since then. While it's not completely gone, the effect of other people's thoughts/opinions on my decisions is much, much smaller now :) A small part of me still hopes that my new partner isn't totally appalled by the idea, although I think I will do it regardless :P I haven't talked to anybody about this decision yet.

Thank you both for your replies!!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

stop worrying for eery 1 person thast thinks negativly 1000 will love them

but do it for u regardless of what others think

are u goimng to sghave if your next lover says he doesnt like em?

or if a stranger on the street says eww

no your doingit for you

so enjoy the loopines and wear it with pride

those loops will protect u from ever letting some guy put you down likre that again

they will make i=u stronger the wilder they get

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

I live in a town of 44 people, I know I am the only one with dreads. Don't care how crazy they think I look right now, my journey, my head, my future dreads! PEACE ON

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

thats gotta be the smallest town in the ountry

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

maybe not

i remember 1 town in wv i think we were driving down this long mountain road hadnt seen a thing in maybe an hour or so we drove through the clouds to emerge above them..just the top of the mpuntain shrouded in mist from the clouds..very sureal then there were 5 maybe 6 houses all right up asgainst the road.. the last 1 was more like a barn with only 3 walls the front totaly open and a sign hung on it saying mayores office

concidering the fact that a kid was hung in his cell by the cops in the same county just days b4 we didnt want to stop and ask directions...

creepierst place id ever been

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
19 posts

I worry more about the people I'm close to and what it might do to those relationships.

Something that is making it easier for me to see myself carrying through with this, is I plan on travelling a lot and soon. I can literally leave behind any negativity I encounter :P

it's a rational vs irrational battle in my mind. Rationally, I know my reasons for doing it, I know I am doing it for me and no one else, so pardon my french but who gives a f*** what others think?

Irrationally, I still want everyone to think I'm pretty and clean and cool haha. Thankfully, I'm able to realize the difference between my rational and irrational thoughts ;)

soaring eagle said:

stop worrying for eery 1 person thast thinks negativly 1000 will love them

but do it for u regardless of what others think

are u goimng to sghave if your next lover says he doesnt like em?

or if a stranger on the street says eww

no your doingit for you

so enjoy the loopines and wear it with pride

those loops will protect u from ever letting some guy put you down likre that again

they will make i=u stronger the wilder they get

11 years ago
300 posts

loops and lumps are beautiful. if you try to have too much control over the process you will lose out on alot of aspects of the journey of dreading. its about letting go. being confident in your opinion about you, not others opinions. the dreads shouldnt be about uniformity.

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