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Dreadlocks Forums
Κύριε Ελέησόν
11 years ago
92 posts
Wow!!! I love 'em!
updated by @κύριε-ελέησόν: 07/13/15 11:48:15AM
Nolan Plank
11 years ago
66 posts

True, I guess I didn't think out fully what I said before I said it.

I think what I meant is that I doubt so many would do it if it was so painful. I mean yeah the sundance exits, but I think there are more rastafarians with natural dreadlocks then there are sundancers.
But I agree.
soaring eagle said:

your logics flawed thery are religiosly bound and hardship and pain are often part of the religios experience

look at the sure it sducks royaly having the flesh ripped off the bone..hanging suspended from a boars rib peirced through your chest tillit rips out

it exists..the scars worn with pride

but im sure nobody would ever say that must not suck cause they do it

Nolan Plank
11 years ago
66 posts

I love em too! haha
Wow!!! I love 'em!
Nolan Plank
11 years ago
66 posts

There are people who have dreadlocks that are very large and are o.k. with them, they don't cause too much damage or anything.

But SE and Baba are right, sometimes they can be a hassle.

I think it depends on what your after. If your after your hair just being free and wild, well, that tends to end in dreadlocks. But, the price of them being free and wild can be longer drying, weight, etc.etc.

I think if you want it and you love em then you'll probably be alright.
Ixchel said:

those are amazing, i hope that they don't end up being an issue, because they are just great & I'd hate to see them have to go!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

they tend to wash them very rarely avoiding getting them wet when they wash they might have to boil them and treat them with anto=i fungals
then theres the pain aspect
the guy with the longest dread ever had a single dread but washed iyt only once a year with laundry detergent then treatted it with mold killers

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Nolan Plank
11 years ago
66 posts

Wow that's a pretty intense regiment.

I saw an interview with Bob marley (not that he speaks for all rastafarians) and he said that they wash with water and keep it clean, so I assumed they just used water but I didn't know that they rarely washed it.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

most rastas wash with plants like aloe and i think its called ackney? they dont just wash with water but those who have massive dreads have to rarely wash because they can take a week or morew to dry and are extremely easy to mold

they probably always have some mold issues deep inside but as long as thewy dont get wet the mold cant live but whenever they do get wet it staerts to grow again

its possible that the rare washings will prevent it completely but thats the point its very very hard to care for sych massive dreads

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Nolan Plank
11 years ago
66 posts

They have interesting gardens, the ones that live in the mountains that is.
soaring eagle said:

most rastas wash with plants like aloe and i think its called ackney? they dont just wash with water but those who have massive dreads have to rarely wash because they can take a week or morew to dry and are extremely easy to mold

they probably always have some mold issues deep inside but as long as thewy dont get wet the mold cant live but whenever they do get wet it staerts to grow again

its possible that the rare washings will prevent it completely but thats the point its very very hard to care for sych massive dreads

melanie rose
11 years ago
177 posts
Love them! Hes got some gnarly beaver tails, mm mmmm
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