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Dreadlocks Forums

Crochet - Newbie needs advice!

13 years ago
49 posts
sorry for late reply but for a start on bs and acv try here : Baking Soda just type baking soda or acv in the search thers a lot of posts about them.
updated by @aussielocker: 07/20/15 02:37:27AM
13 years ago
49 posts

just a thought,

do a few tnr rip yourself to get the hang of it, then teach a friend ask them to do a couple then ask another friend then another etc that way all your friends would of created a few dreads each till your done... and if you're bored tell them they can name them lol.. maybe do the sections yourself and someone you trust to do the back if your doing sections... if not more random looks more natural but that's up to you.

I got my gf to section my hair then done all the tnr myself took 3 days on and off.

13 years ago
22 posts
My best advice: throw the crochet hook in the bin and slap whomever the person is who offered to crochet them for you. I have oily hair, too, without dreads I must wash every day...but with locks, my scalp gets used to not getting washed too often, like only once a week at most (longer intervals in winter lol). You won't need to wash every day. I didn't, and my dreads locked up great, would start noticing them getting oily after about 2 I said, your scalp gets used to it...Submit, scalp! Submit! LOL
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

bad bad bad idea

main tain them by destroying them?

dont u know yet that everything dreadheadhq recomends iss destructive?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Glen Hawksworth
13 years ago
9 posts

Um... I think I may have bought the wrong product but I washed my hair today with Dr. Bronners liquid soap..... it most certainly did not leave my hair residue free, my hair felt like i'd tipped olive oil on it, and now my scalp is kind of mildly stinging, most uncomfortable... I think i'll stick to Johnsons baby shampoo...

Can someone point me in the direction of a proper dreadlock shapoo or bar? I looks up the something garden products soaring eagle mentioned but they're from the states, and the shipping is 3 times the product price.. Thanks guys

13 years ago
81 posts

I know 99% of people don't like small dreads (imo they look pretty stupid) so mabey just wait and grow your hair for another 6 months, then when you do get dreads they will look kinda decent. Also have you seen crotchet dreads on hair that's 4-6' inches, they look fuckn wack! spikes all over the place.

Not trying to bring heaps of negativity but if your going to crotchet at 4-6 inches of hair, it's kinda inevitable that you will get rid of your dreads, + all the shit your going to get from people because you will have spikes all over the place.

By all means use whatever dread method, but if your going to use the crochet hook, it would be best waiting for your hair to grow a little, (unless you want spikes)

All in all it's your choice bruv, use a crochet don't use a crochet, use wax, don't use's your choice and it's only hair....and if you totally fuck it up, just grow your hair back and try again. You can only learn from your mistakes.

Mike ^^ =)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

ofcourse 1 use wont make em break off but they will be so damn tight it takes 6 months of conditioning to loosen em enough to dread properly

its not a smart thing to do even one time but 1 times not gonna destroy them
Syl said:

Likely they overcrocheted, just like you can overdo may things that are't necessarily bad. It doesnt mean your dreads will fall off if you crochet once, does it?

soaringeagle said:

it absolutely does the 1 leading promoter of it tugged hus gf's dread wile crocheting and it came off in his hand with a very light tug

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Glen Hawksworth
13 years ago
9 posts

Guys sorry to go off topic but i'm getting loads of spam from this board, like private messages of a questionable nature, offering pictures e.t.c

Any way I can get rid of these?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

they are deleted almost imediately but u still got the emails ..i set it to no longer send email when a comments posted

u wont know when u get comments bit wont get email spam either

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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