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Dreadlocks Forums

we all shaved or started over dreadheadhq/knottyboy dreads the right way, wonder why?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts

i made this for all the victims to come forth and tell their stories of how and why they started over dreadheadhq or knottyboy dreadswhether they went naturally or just product free the next time around.knottyboy and especially dreadheadhq have always claimed they harmed no one and nobody ever complained.but the real truth lies in piles of broken dreams and discarded dreads.mountains of them.the real truth is very few dreads started their way ever survive longhere you have a voicetell your your outragein this discussion the don't be an asshole rule is suspended because i know many have emotions they need to express.outrage anger disgustand a passion to save others from the mistakes you made.(although the don't be an asshole rules suspended here, keep your anger directed where it belongs not at others here, even if wax and products defenders defend these guys be nice to them, bt you are allowed for now to say what you really feel about these companies and the people who run them)this is dedicated in memory to all the dreads lost in the battle against dreadwax

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 02/14/15 03:49:54AM
14 years ago
569 posts
I almost fell for the Knotty boy dreads.My only real quarrels with DHHQ and Knotty boy is the fact that they take advantage of their customers. They do it all for money, not for locks and they took one of the most amazing spiritual journeys and TRIED...(I say tried because thus far they have no succeeded completely), they tried to make it just another fad, another hairstyle and I feel as if they really tried to make everyone look down on real, natural, healthy dreading.
Casey Combs
14 years ago
2 posts
I fell for the propaganda put out by knottyboy and dhhq, this is my first set of locks and they are 13 months old. I cut 1.5 inches off of one today and found a waxy core had developed even though I had hardly used any of their "product". I graduate this year and I am determined to walk the line with locks so I will soak and comb out all of the garbage that I was sold and told to put into my hair and start again. There really needs to be more sites like this who actually tell the truth and don't mislead people who have a genuine interest in expressing themselves. I had thought I had done enough homework when I began dread journey but there is so much misinformation out there that I fell into their trap of products. Now that I have a better understanding I look forward to starting my journey over again and have locks that I can show off and be proud of. I hope more people find out the truth sooner than I did.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
google dreadheadhq dreads then google knottyboy dreadswe arent at the top but are on the 1st pagei know i ask you to share your stories in several different threads but now u see whythe way to get the word out is not only to be listed high enough to be seen, but to have titles that demand attention.on 1st page of each we are the only ones that arent just an add for theyre productsbut on both our links are the only ones that really stand outsure many will still click the 1st 1 they see (we'll get something up there eventually)but anyone who glanced down couldnt ignore the links to usthe truth is getting outnot to everybody yet but to many many a is making a difference

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
thats what i said but...he also root flipped so even at 13 months since he interlocked its probly best to start over or risk having them break ricky williams said:
:D good for you but maybe you should just try and remove the wax and not start all over

Casey Combs said:
I fell for the propaganda put out by knottyboy and dhhq, this is my first set of locks and they are 13 months old. I cut 1.5 inches off of one today and found a waxy core had developed even though I had hardly used any of their "product". I graduate this year and I am determined to walk the line with locks so I will soak and comb out all of the garbage that I was sold and told to put into my hair and start again. There really needs to be more sites like this who actually tell the truth and don't mislead people who have a genuine interest in expressing themselves. I had thought I had done enough homework when I began dread journey but there is so much misinformation out there that I fell into their trap of products. Now that I have a better understanding I look forward to starting my journey over again and have locks that I can show off and be proud of. I hope more people find out the truth sooner than I did.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Casey Combs
14 years ago
2 posts
yeah I would have tried to remove the wax but the root flipping problem is what really prompted me to comb out and start again, I never realized that it would cause such a problem later and this also gives me a chance to arrange my locks a little differently this time. By the way the olive oil works great Im already almost 1/4 of the way done, thanks again for the advice. soaringeagle said:
thats what i said but...he also root flipped so even at 13 months since he interlocked its probly best to start over or risk having them break

ricky williams said:
:D good for you but maybe you should just try and remove the wax and not start all over

Casey Combs said:
I fell for the propaganda put out by knottyboy and dhhq, this is my first set of locks and they are 13 months old. I cut 1.5 inches off of one today and found a waxy core had developed even though I had hardly used any of their "product". I graduate this year and I am determined to walk the line with locks so I will soak and comb out all of the garbage that I was sold and told to put into my hair and start again. There really needs to be more sites like this who actually tell the truth and don't mislead people who have a genuine interest in expressing themselves. I had thought I had done enough homework when I began dread journey but there is so much misinformation out there that I fell into their trap of products. Now that I have a better understanding I look forward to starting my journey over again and have locks that I can show off and be proud of. I hope more people find out the truth sooner than I did.
Seagram Kern
14 years ago
6 posts
i feel for dhhq. I almost bought the products again until I cam across this site. I had about four or five dreads break off while I was using the lock peppa and spray products. Every since I stopped no more of my babies have fallen out. I think it's awful how dhhq products are hurting people's hair. I feel very strong about my hair, I thought I was making the best choice for my hair. It seemed legit. For me having dreadlocks is so serious I didn't think dhhq would be selling me lies.
Heather Gamble
14 years ago
145 posts
you know ..... i think "johnny clean" is a fucking asshole douchebag scumsucker!!! all he wants is your damn money!!! he dosnt care about locks or wat they are about! now im going to be fair here and say sure i dont think all of his products are harmful i mean the lock accelerator (salt water) the shampoo probably not harmful (ive tried it its not great either) tams beads etc not gonna hurt why dosnt dear ol johnny just sell these things? and be a good person? because then he cant keep coming up with new products to counteract the effects of the original products!!!! and 37.95 for an acrylic tam? have you lost your damn mind! i mean this guy is like the BP of dreadlocks....i mean johnny wake the fuck up no one is going to be stupid enough to spend outrageous amounts of money on your stuff (stuff we can buy from other real dreadheads for much less than wat your charging) anymore!!!! you could have stopped you coulda just sold shampoo and combs for a moderate price and harmed no one but oh continue to rape people u just devised new products to cover up wat the first shit product did!!!!johnny clean u are an arse a douchebag to the 100th power i think u suck and so do most people who know anything about dreads or hair in general!!!!
14 years ago
1 posts
1 1/2 years ago I decided to start dreadlocks, so without doing research I quickly jumped on the dreadhead insta-dread bullshit. I purchased their supa... whatever kit that came with the "lock peppa" and the "lock accelerator." Everything was going great for the first 3 months until I woke up to a dread on my pillow. After I shaved my hair I found 4 fucking bald patches the size of a quarter... Freaked out I ran to my Dr. who suggested I had traction alopecia(Google the horror) After trying steroid injections and some other bull shit lotion, I gave up... And thats when my hair started to grow back. luckily today my hair is back, just as thick as ever and I've decided to go the natural way. People don't realize how crucial hair is to self image, until they have to walk around with random blotches of hair missing. It really was an emotional beating just looking in the mirror. But being the overly-optimistic person I am, I look back on that as a lesson to grow on, with anything in life, the natural way is always the better way. So I'm not mad at dreadhead... If anything I'd like to thank them... They just made me appreciate the dreads I'm working on now, even more. I'm not all that great at the hole "be an asshole" thing, I just wanted to share my "satisfied" experience with dreadhead.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
wow..thank you for screwing me cause now i appreciate not being screwed by you even more yea your no9 good at being an asshole even when ya should be but i appreciate how overly diplomatic you are cognition said:
1 1/2 years ago I decided to start dreadlocks, so without doing research I quickly jumped on the dreadhead insta-dread bullshit. I purchased their supa... whatever kit that came with the "lock peppa" and the "lock accelerator." Everything was going great for the first 3 months until I woke up to a dread on my pillow. After I shaved my hair I found 4 fucking bald patches the size of a quarter... Freaked out I ran to my Dr. who suggested I had traction alopecia(Google the horror) After trying steroid injections and some other bull shit lotion, I gave up... And thats when my hair started to grow back. luckily today my hair is back, just as thick as ever and I've decided to go the natural way. People don't realize how crucial hair is to self image, until they have to walk around with random blotches of hair missing. It really was an emotional beating just looking in the mirror. But being the overly-optimistic person I am, I look back on that as a lesson to grow on, with anything in life, the natural way is always the better way. So I'm not mad at dreadhead... If anything I'd like to thank them... They just made me appreciate the dreads I'm working on now, even more. I'm not all that great at the hole "be an asshole" thing, I just wanted to share my "satisfied" experience with dreadhead.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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