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Wax in new dreads..

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

u never had to do anythingtho

they dread themselves backcomb is a wasted step

unesacary completely

it took what 12 hours to backcomb?

it takes 10 seconds to drop a comb in the trash

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 07/23/15 09:39:58AM
Lennie Blake
12 years ago
10 posts

Hey Amanda

I used the section and backcomb method. I resisted on the wax for nearly a month then gave in.
Each time I used wax I knew deep down that it was a bad thing to do, but I'm impatient and want lovely locks! My dreads are 4 months old now and I trully love having them, but I will learn my lesson for my lack of patience.
I have wax in my hair and it doesn't come out. So do I shut my eyes and wish them to flurish or do I start over. Not an easy choice is it! Hard to let go after finally getting there.
How can I possibly part with them and start again? The thought alone does hurt.
However, I have enjoyed the journey and have learnt a hell of a lot.
I understand that I would now apreciate the natural method journey more than I would have. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Foe a moment, Forget about the hard work you have put in, forget about the ample advice on hand, forget about how you do, would, could look if you do this that or the other. Sit, take a deep breath close your eyes, let go, and ask your self, what is the best thing to do for your hair

With love

Lennie Blake
12 years ago
10 posts

Hey Amanda
Thanks for the advice. I'm in the uk so don't have easy access to dawn and am flat broke so cant afford any products, let alone the shipping!
Will search around though and see what I can muster up :-)


Amanda said:

The problem is, wax actually slows down the process...which is the least of your worries since it never washes out with just soap. The progress I am seeing in my dreads this time around (I am only 2 and a half weeks in), I didn't see with my waxed up dreads for months into it! The wax and palm rolling slowed everything down.

Since you are 4 months in, I'd suggest you buy the wax removal from (I also hear some people use Dawn, the dish soap, to remove wax if you'd rather try that out). It will take a while to get all the wax out, but you should be able to save your dreads. In your case, I wouldn't start over. Don't worry if some of the dreads get loose...they will dread up again beautifully and you will feel so much better about it. Good luck, and I wish you happy, healthy dreadlocks! :)

Lennie Blake said:

Hey Amanda

I used the section and backcomb method. I resisted on the wax for nearly a month then gave in.
Each time I used wax I knew deep down that it was a bad thing to do, but I'm impatient and want lovely locks! My dreads are 4 months old now and I trully love having them, but I will learn my lesson for my lack of patience.
I have wax in my hair and it doesn't come out. So do I shut my eyes and wish them to flurish or do I start over. Not an easy choice is it! Hard to let go after finally getting there.
How can I possibly part with them and start again? The thought alone does hurt.
However, I have enjoyed the journey and have learnt a hell of a lot.
I understand that I would now apreciate the natural method journey more than I would have. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Foe a moment, Forget about the hard work you have put in, forget about the ample advice on hand, forget about how you do, would, could look if you do this that or the other. Sit, take a deep breath close your eyes, let go, and ask your self, what is the best thing to do for your hair

With love

12 years ago
17 posts
Fairy is the same as Dawn over in Europe. :)
Lennie Blake
12 years ago
10 posts

Thanks Homestar. Thats really helpful.
I was wondering if they were one and the same. Was reading the fairy bottle this afternoon and had intended to track down Dawns ingredients.
You save me a job there!

Lennie Blake
12 years ago
10 posts

Hey Amanda
Thought I'd just send a quick one. Did you think I was weird for the origional reply I sent to you? lol
It was actually intended for Natalie but I got myself all confused with who was who! (not all too unusual for me)

Glad you replied though!


Lennie Blake
12 years ago
10 posts

I used Fairy/dawn.

My babies are all soft and fuzzy. Which does indeed tell me that it washes wax out!

thanks a million for the advice!


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