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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

dreadheadhq shampoo true origons

12 years ago
8 posts

this is sick. I'm so happy I never got sucked into this nonsense! They should be so ashamed

updated by @beauootifulsoup: 07/13/15 10:48:19AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,640 posts

they have no shame look at how many used dreadheadhq and shaved therir headsto start over when jonny confronted them he made excuses and sales pitches

then when we finaly push him into providing wax remover free he still goes on pushing wax and making claims that mad e no sence as usual

i dont think hes capable of being ashamed of what hes done..not as long as hes got $ coming in from his scams

i almost thought he could when 1 member explained how she had to sghave her waxy head while pregnant and gaining weight and hiow her kids dad had to shave his just before the birth too cause of wax

but his apolgies seemed fake and empty when accompanied by sales jargon and claims that they woukd have been fine if they jut used more dreadheadhq brand crap

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