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wax remover from

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

vicky from has perfected the new wax b gone dread wax remover

and has tested it by smearing a ton of wax on her dread way overwaxing to the piint where it stuck to her neck, and stiuck straight out and collected every bit of lint she can=me in contact with.

she was grossed out by it but left it in 24 hours then used the wax b gone one time and it was all removed!

note however that its not been tested on years old waxc in mature dresads but it should be strong enough although probably will take several applications to remove all wax.

the ingredients are

orange oil lemon oil lime oil grapefruit oil

there is no way to make it any stronger without adding harsh chemicals

this is the strongest all natural safe wax remover possible.

it will take about a week to print up lavbles and get a large supply made to be ready to ship

she believes it will cost lil more then the shampoos to make but will probably sell it for the same prive as the shampoos to help battle the plague of waxy dreads

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 01/13/15 09:18:20PM
12 years ago
81 posts

Awesome! Gonna check this out asap!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

will have it up as soon as we can get it ready

and we will want alot more testing and feedback

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
22 posts

This is great news...I'm so sick of hearing the heartbreaking stories of those who have either ignorantly waxed, or *not listened* and waxed anyway...having to cut their locks off...finally, a chem-free solution! :D

12 years ago
8 posts

is it out yet? i cant seem to find it on the website. its great that someone has finally created a wax remover shampoo! thank you very much for posting

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