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spiders in dreads?

Ashley Eve
13 years ago
43 posts

okay so since i started dreading ive had a few people making stupid comments to me "omg dont u wash ur hair anymore" etc which i was like *eyeroll*

but then ive also had some people saying omg u will get spiders living in your hair!


ok so i bet its stupid right..

but now im paranoid haha..

im arachnaphobic (im working on it and getting better but i still suffer)

so yeah the idea of spiders in my hair FREAKS ME OUT!


updated by @ashley-eve: 07/01/22 04:04:45AM
meg ☮
13 years ago
92 posts
idiotic. you're not going to get spiders in your hair unless you put them there or someone else does.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts

ive let spiders crawl in my dreads they hung out awhile then went off ti do what soiders do

they wont make theyre home in there unless like your in a coma and never move but if your very freindky to 1 u bight be blessed to have him hang out there an hour or 2

if one does be sure to say thank you for dropping bye

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Shanxon Lemasters
13 years ago
411 posts
this gave me the heebie jeebies but yeah I think we all move way too much for spiders to live in our hairs :P
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,641 posts
praying mantises are more fun tho

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
235 posts
I dunno if a spider is willing to crawl in our mouths while we sleep, a spider is willing to crawl inside ones hair. Not a concern even if one did stay cause hot water and spiders dont mix. Unless it laid eggs of course..then you would have a real problem.
Ashley Eve
13 years ago
43 posts

eh ive heard that i think its a bit silly.. how do they know that? lol meh

i spose its probably pretty stupid anyway for some reason im not worried anymore haha... theres probably no more reason for spiders to get in my hair now than there was when it was loose..

Jeremy Tucker
13 years ago
20 posts
the avg person swllows 7 spiders a yr while sleeping, has 12 spiders crawl in their ear while sleeping, is never more than 2 feet from a spider at all times, has thousands of spiders living in their home. I was a horrible archniphobe until i learned these facts and strangly they have helped me to somewhat (not fully) shake my fear of them....
Brandon Arnold
13 years ago
184 posts

Dude, spiders don't even crawl into your mouth. If you google it, you'll find out it's a stupid misnomer/urban legend. How can spiders be that dumb to just crawl into an open hole and get swallowed? They're pretty intelligent. I mean, look at how complex their webs are!! And honestly, there are no set numbers on how many people "eat" them. It always varies. And who even made up that statistic? Who watched all those people for months at a time all night? It makes no sense...can't be legitimate.

But no, I have never ever heard of this problem before. I'm not afraid of them, but I certainly wouldn't worry about it. Sounds like someone was just trying to fuck with you,

anthony williams
13 years ago
101 posts
I don't really care or worry about it either, don't really see it as much to fret over. However I have heard one story of a black fellow that I think was a homeless guy, that supposedly got sick and went to a hospital where they done blood tests and it showed up that he had black widow venom in his body but didn't have any visible bites. Dude supposedly had lots of dreads and really thick matted hair in general, so they cut into the guys hair just to see and he apparently had a black widows nest in his hair which he died from... :/ prrrrrrobubly bullshit, but just figured id share :)
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