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I don't like this "crazy salt lady" person..

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

ive talked to the bronners f=olks dr bronner was the frandfather the whole business is family run all along so theres no real corporation to talk to and they pretty much still follow the grandass all one spiritual approaxch they never advertise and they might not be interested in suing

but its worth letting them know still

Dave said:

i dont use dr bronners or sure if it's in australia so i cant really comment but i really think all you who use it
should be contacting dr.bronners

and telling them they are having their reputation slandered by an unscrupulous business that is trying to promote their product by trashing dr.bronners with unsubstantiated claims.

If i was in any way connected to dr.bronners i would sue the f**k out of her and as she has conviently used the DickHead-HeadQuarters name in reference so they too are now liable. You want them gone this is the ideal opportunity to do real damage to them.
If enough people complain to dr.bronners then they will have to do something or they are not a very clever business and i highly doubt that as they have been around for over 20yrs.
Put yourself in dr.bronners place-How much is a bottle of soap?
How many people have seen the video?
Each viewing could equate to a lost sale so the more it's viewed(hundreds or thousands of views) is potential damage to be sued for.
Hopefully they have linked the dhhq site to the video as well.
This is a war people and you dont win war with words but actions.
Believe me, as an ex-manufacturing manager i would be outraged if this was my product being slandered and i would find everyone that uses it for any reason to voice their disgust of dhhq comments and demand a retraction or suffer the full extent of the legal system.
Pointless complaining to the offenders they dont give a shit, and as youve said they just delete the truth.

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 07/18/15 11:24:55AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts
i did contact them though

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Ashley Eve
13 years ago
43 posts
okay thats just wtf she looks gross..
sings songs and plants seeds
13 years ago
13 posts
That video makes me sad, more low type business practice from a lousy company.
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