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official johnny clean dreadlocks and dread wax debate may 7th 8pm est

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts

this discussion will remain closed untill 15 minutes before debate that time the debate will be held here openly for all the world to see and participate.johny clean 1st agreed to the debate then showed signs of trying to back out.we dont know if he will show or not but the truth will be discussed with or without him. we want him to know we are not going to attack him we only wish to discuss the truth using scientific and logical means as well as real life experiences.once the debate ls opened it will remain open forever and further discussions is welcome.the current questions are listed below, but all who attendd may ask their own (nicely).question 1: given the nature of wax, being a viscous substance with a melting point above 140 f and the properties of being hydrophobic how does wax not build up within dreads?question 2: why is it recommended to only use non residue shampoo because residues are hard to remove, but also recommended to use a waterproof residue thats almost impossible to remove?question 3: since dreads happen without effort how do you justify recommending a process with complicated instructions that takes hours and hours a week?question 4: why do you demonize natural dreads when natural dreads are generally considered the most respected?question 5: why do you recommend using tools and techniques like felting and crocheting that cause massive damage to dreads?question 6: why do you deny harming anyone with your products despite the fact that thousands complain that they had to cut off dreads after using your products?question 7: why do you continually recommend using less and less wax but still recommend using any?question 8: in your lock docta vid you market a felting needle as a way to "fix" dreads that are simply doing what dreads do as they mature, but on the lock docta website it clearly says using the tool can cause the dread to break tight iff, why do you recommend fixing a dread thats not broken with a tool that can cause it to be broken?question 9: why have your own dreads never lasted past 3-4 years?question 10 why is it almost no waxy dreads last past 3-4 years?question 11: why do you think most previous wax users now warn everyone not to use wax?question 12:how much wax he originally used in all his own sets, and how or if it might have differed from his updated instructionquestion 13: the many customers who meet the criteria of "over waxing" how long would it take to remove wax that has accumulatedquestion 14: what is the correlation of stiffened locks and the use of wax, why does it seem to produce locks that have a stick like stiffened tightness to them, different from real maturity found in other locks. or is this the result of a fore mentioned over waxing.question 15: how is overwaxing defined?question 16: if wax is not needed and potentially harmful wouldn't any waxing be overwaxing?question 17: you have always blamed those who were hatmed by wax for over waxing but over the years have constantly recomended the use of less and less wax, at the same time you deny that anyones ever complained, so why have you lowered the recomended amounts? why do you say nobody has ever complained but at the same time say everyone whos complained over used wax?question 18: why do you recomend wax even for natural/neglect dreads?question 19: in the dread community natural dreads are the most respected and admired, so why do you try to make them seem the least desirable?question 20: why do you think that all dreadlocks should look the same and shouldnt be induvidual?question 21: this is a multipart question. its been pointed out that in all of your vids you contradict yourseld constantly, several contradictions we request clarification on are: you say dread wax does not build up in dreads or trap dirt then say wax will trap dirt if stuck on a wall but doesnt trap dirt in wax in the core of dreasds. so if wax doesnt build up why is it in the core and if wax can get in why cant dirt? also, you claim wax doesnt make dreads feel sticky, but then go on to say you dont even like touching your dreads after waxing so you recomend dread butta to cver up the waxy feel. why does dread butta exist idf wax doesnt make dreads stink and feel sticky?question 21: what are the ingrediants in wax butta, and why should anyone buy it just to cover up wax they never should have used to begin with?anyone have any more questions you'd like to ask johny?until debate time questions can be discussed here

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 02/14/22 10:18:57PM
Courtney J
14 years ago
100 posts
There is a discussion on this site if you care to take a look around.People in general just need to realize that there is no one right way to do things. The people on this site have openly tried things and discussed what has and hasn't worked. Noone here is edited. We speak freely. Mikkel The Viking said:
Thanks for being so kind! What is AVC rinse? and would you maybe have a link or the proportion of the mixture?

GreyGargoyle said:
Baking soda and AVC rinse. Boom, done deal. It works great.
You can also add in various oils such as lavender, peppermint oil, or tea tree.

No, I don't make my own tams but many members here do and you can talk to them, I am sure they will help teach you how to make them on your own. =)

Mikkel The Viking said:
You so much got me here! can I make my own soap? that would be so kewl! and do you ahve any patterns for tams or anything like that?

GreyGargoyle said:
That's why I say that he is using this as a marketing ploy.
He's also thinking about making sample products now...

No natural dreadhead want's to SAMPLE a DHHQ product.
We want a different way of life. I can go buy crap for any hairstyle.
Dreads is the only hairstyle that you don't have to buy crap for you.
At most we buy soap, beads, tams and stuff like this.
But those things can be made at home so why buy them from him?
It's dumb, he is turning dreadlocks into a boring hairstyle...
Screw that, I want natural, healthy, FREE hair not hair that you make.
The wax isn't the issue. It's the fact that he wants to make dreads into a hairstyle for people that just want a temporary new style.

soaringeagle said:
we have a facebook but im not sure who has the info to login

its kinda rediculouse that were holding a debate here but the answers are elsewhere like he only wants 1 side of the story seen
why cant johnny just post the answers a debate should be a back and forth conversation ..we asked a question he can give an answer then we get a rebuttal etc.. instead hes tayloring the questions to the answers he wants to give completely leaving out all our opinions and making the whole thing just another way to promote his products so again noone gets to see what the people who were harmed by wax are trying to say
14 years ago
569 posts
Apple cidar vinegar, you probably have some in the fridge. You do this rinse after washing with baking soda. I just make a guess at how much my hair needs. But SE will know a better measurement for your specific dreadlocks. But seriously, man...the baking soda and AVC rinse have left my hair cleaner than it has ever been, I promise! I still like the Dr. Bronners though! =D Mikkel The Viking said:
Thanks for being so kind! What is AVC rinse? and would you maybe have a link or the proportion of the mixture?

GreyGargoyle said:
Baking soda and AVC rinse. Boom, done deal. It works great.
You can also add in various oils such as lavender, peppermint oil, or tea tree.

No, I don't make my own tams but many members here do and you can talk to them, I am sure they will help teach you how to make them on your own. =)

Mikkel The Viking said:
You so much got me here! can I make my own soap? that would be so kewl! and do you ahve any patterns for tams or anything like that?

GreyGargoyle said:
That's why I say that he is using this as a marketing ploy.
He's also thinking about making sample products now...

No natural dreadhead want's to SAMPLE a DHHQ product.
We want a different way of life. I can go buy crap for any hairstyle.
Dreads is the only hairstyle that you don't have to buy crap for you.
At most we buy soap, beads, tams and stuff like this.
But those things can be made at home so why buy them from him?
It's dumb, he is turning dreadlocks into a boring hairstyle...
Screw that, I want natural, healthy, FREE hair not hair that you make.
The wax isn't the issue. It's the fact that he wants to make dreads into a hairstyle for people that just want a temporary new style.

soaringeagle said:
we have a facebook but im not sure who has the info to login

its kinda rediculouse that were holding a debate here but the answers are elsewhere like he only wants 1 side of the story seen
why cant johnny just post the answers a debate should be a back and forth conversation ..we asked a question he can give an answer then we get a rebuttal etc.. instead hes tayloring the questions to the answers he wants to give completely leaving out all our opinions and making the whole thing just another way to promote his products so again noone gets to see what the people who were harmed by wax are trying to say
Mikkel The Viking
14 years ago
3 posts
Cool! Think I will search the site for some more info:) GreyGargoyle said:
Apple cidar vinegar, you probably have some in the fridge. You do this rinse after washing with baking soda. I just make a guess at how much my hair needs. But SE will know a better measurement for your specific dreadlocks. But seriously, man...the baking soda and AVC rinse have left my hair cleaner than it has ever been, I promise! I still like the Dr. Bronners though! =D

Mikkel The Viking said:
Thanks for being so kind! What is AVC rinse? and would you maybe have a link or the proportion of the mixture?

GreyGargoyle said:
Baking soda and AVC rinse. Boom, done deal. It works great.
You can also add in various oils such as lavender, peppermint oil, or tea tree.

No, I don't make my own tams but many members here do and you can talk to them, I am sure they will help teach you how to make them on your own. =)

Mikkel The Viking said:
You so much got me here! can I make my own soap? that would be so kewl! and do you ahve any patterns for tams or anything like that?

GreyGargoyle said:
That's why I say that he is using this as a marketing ploy.
He's also thinking about making sample products now...

No natural dreadhead want's to SAMPLE a DHHQ product.
We want a different way of life. I can go buy crap for any hairstyle.
Dreads is the only hairstyle that you don't have to buy crap for you.
At most we buy soap, beads, tams and stuff like this.
But those things can be made at home so why buy them from him?
It's dumb, he is turning dreadlocks into a boring hairstyle...
Screw that, I want natural, healthy, FREE hair not hair that you make.
The wax isn't the issue. It's the fact that he wants to make dreads into a hairstyle for people that just want a temporary new style.

soaringeagle said:
we have a facebook but im not sure who has the info to login

its kinda rediculouse that were holding a debate here but the answers are elsewhere like he only wants 1 side of the story seen
why cant johnny just post the answers a debate should be a back and forth conversation ..we asked a question he can give an answer then we get a rebuttal etc.. instead hes tayloring the questions to the answers he wants to give completely leaving out all our opinions and making the whole thing just another way to promote his products so again noone gets to see what the people who were harmed by wax are trying to say
14 years ago
569 posts
There is a group for super clean dreads. It should be located in there.Or perhaps in dread maintenance. Good luck, buddy. Mikkel The Viking said:
Cool! Think I will search the site for some more info:)

GreyGargoyle said:
Apple cidar vinegar, you probably have some in the fridge. You do this rinse after washing with baking soda. I just make a guess at how much my hair needs. But SE will know a better measurement for your specific dreadlocks. But seriously, man...the baking soda and AVC rinse have left my hair cleaner than it has ever been, I promise! I still like the Dr. Bronners though! =D

Mikkel The Viking said:
Thanks for being so kind! What is AVC rinse? and would you maybe have a link or the proportion of the mixture?

GreyGargoyle said:
Baking soda and AVC rinse. Boom, done deal. It works great.
You can also add in various oils such as lavender, peppermint oil, or tea tree.

No, I don't make my own tams but many members here do and you can talk to them, I am sure they will help teach you how to make them on your own. =)

Mikkel The Viking said:
You so much got me here! can I make my own soap? that would be so kewl! and do you ahve any patterns for tams or anything like that?

GreyGargoyle said:
That's why I say that he is using this as a marketing ploy.
He's also thinking about making sample products now...

No natural dreadhead want's to SAMPLE a DHHQ product.
We want a different way of life. I can go buy crap for any hairstyle.
Dreads is the only hairstyle that you don't have to buy crap for you.
At most we buy soap, beads, tams and stuff like this.
But those things can be made at home so why buy them from him?
It's dumb, he is turning dreadlocks into a boring hairstyle...
Screw that, I want natural, healthy, FREE hair not hair that you make.
The wax isn't the issue. It's the fact that he wants to make dreads into a hairstyle for people that just want a temporary new style.

soaringeagle said:
we have a facebook but im not sure who has the info to login

its kinda rediculouse that were holding a debate here but the answers are elsewhere like he only wants 1 side of the story seen
why cant johnny just post the answers a debate should be a back and forth conversation ..we asked a question he can give an answer then we get a rebuttal etc.. instead hes tayloring the questions to the answers he wants to give completely leaving out all our opinions and making the whole thing just another way to promote his products so again noone gets to see what the people who were harmed by wax are trying to say
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
yes well no soaps better then no soap look in the super clean dreads thread.. baking soda will clean way better then sny soap if u used any soap fot say a year then do baking soda the water u rinse with comes out brown thats all the dirt soap left behindand we have tams tam patters u name it theres a tam pattern blog theres a tam discussion in trade section and in the shops theres a link to sandandskys shop where she sells tam patters (really cheap)weve also talked about doing a tam makimg chat or something too Mikkel The Viking said:
You so much got me here! can I make my own soap? that would be so kewl! and do you ahve any patterns for tams or anything like that?

GreyGargoyle said:
That's why I say that he is using this as a marketing ploy.
He's also thinking about making sample products now...

No natural dreadhead want's to SAMPLE a DHHQ product.
We want a different way of life. I can go buy crap for any hairstyle.
Dreads is the only hairstyle that you don't have to buy crap for you.
At most we buy soap, beads, tams and stuff like this.
But those things can be made at home so why buy them from him?
It's dumb, he is turning dreadlocks into a boring hairstyle...
Screw that, I want natural, healthy, FREE hair not hair that you make.
The wax isn't the issue. It's the fact that he wants to make dreads into a hairstyle for people that just want a temporary new style.

soaringeagle said:
we have a facebook but im not sure who has the info to login

its kinda rediculouse that were holding a debate here but the answers are elsewhere like he only wants 1 side of the story seen
why cant johnny just post the answers a debate should be a back and forth conversation ..we asked a question he can give an answer then we get a rebuttal etc.. instead hes tayloring the questions to the answers he wants to give completely leaving out all our opinions and making the whole thing just another way to promote his products so again noone gets to see what the people who were harmed by wax are trying to say

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Courtney J
14 years ago
100 posts
So is Johnny really not going to answer any of the questions presented here on the site? Thats kinda rude
Island Mamma
14 years ago
530 posts
Ha, ya I agree.He answers questions like a seasoned Politician, he uses distraction, confusion and rewording the question to serve his need and conversation steering all to control and manipulate the convo....could say it's akin to brainwashing techniques.... Knottysleeves said:
That would be ideal, but he would never agree to it. Consider:

- His statement that he will only post his answers to his marketing page (where the public cannot leave comments or rebuttals).

- The amount of time he spent writing that crazy 4,600-word treaty manifesto.

- The way he's categorized everyone into two "mindset" groups and then framed every discussion from the perspective of those two groups. (I agree this is pretty offensive, and only serves to polarize though he insists in his treaty thing that he wants harmony.)

- The way he's rewriting OUR questions to suit his purposes.

It's pretty obvious he wants maximum control of how the debate is run and presented. He specifically says that he wants newbies to see the debate (though conveniently they'll only see HIS side because they're visiting HIS site). This is just another marketing tool for him, folks. Let's not kid ourselves.

Sylph said:
Even as a fan of DHHQ, I can definitely hear what you're saying here. I think that having the entire discussion here on the forum or even in chat would be great. Later on, if people wanted, the information and discussion could be copied and pasted somewhere else (his dreadlocktv page), if desired.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,641 posts
people have objected to the term..lie but i think at the very least we can all agree to its a "manipulation of the truth"\we had 19 simple questions and its taking days to even agree on what the 1st question means?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Island Mamma
14 years ago
530 posts
*snort* cha right that long winded thing from JQ was some sort of advertisement/insult disguised as an answer.... Courtney J said:
So is Johnny really not going to answer any of the questions presented here on the site? Thats kinda rude
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