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shedding a few hairs everytime I shower

Joey mipanyarack
11 years ago
80 posts

So Ive read that the success for healthy dreads is that you don't shed hair and all of it stays in to keep them strong. Well lately everytime I shower around 5 hairs show up in my hands ranging between a quarter of an inch to two inches. As some of you know I started with a dread perm before I found this site about 9 1/2 months ago. Since then I have done nothing but wash with dreadlock shampoo and separate. At first they got really messy but now they are starting to take good shape. Should I be worried about these hair Im shedding? Im scared that if they are from the roots then eventually my dreads will completely thin out. My roots range from about 1inch -3inch of loose hair depending on where they are on my head. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

updated by @joey-mipanyarack: 01/13/15 09:53:44PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

u shed 100 or was it 1000 hairs a day 5 coming ours no big deal but the shortness worries me that itr maybe brittle broken hair from the perm

u arent going to retain every shed hair cause not every hairs in a dread but 90% of whats shed gets stuck in a dread

and dreads strength isnt dependent on every loose hair being stuck it depends on the length of the intact hairs (why a thick crochet dread can still be extremely weak) the roots wont thin as the roots are made of hair from the scalp and shed hairs are shed no longer a root at all

so yoir worrying about 5 hairs ..if u twisted the 5 together u would need a micrometer to measure it at something like less then 1/2 a mm

how are those 5 hairs gonna thin your dreads when 5 more grow in the next day

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the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Those hairs are very short, so they are your new growth. Your dreads won't thin out because of it. When my hair was long and straight, I found loose hairs everywhere, all counter, food, couch, clothing, hair brush, car.....and I never went bald or had thin hair. Not all loose hairs get engulfed in the dreads, we still loose them every day, just most get swallowed into our dreads, so we don't notice. Since dreads have a loose root area, those ones did not latch on yet because they are short, that's all. You are fine, perfectly fine and have no problems and no worries at all. .....peace

Joey mipanyarack
11 years ago
80 posts
Thanks guys that helps ease my mind. I guess I'm still worried about my hair since I started with the perm. I do notice though that the growth that had locked up on its own since then seems a lot stronger then the permed part. So eventually I guess I'll have more natural dreads then permed parts and can cut those off
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

thats often what happens with dread perm dreads the permed parts are just fried and have an odd texture so they get chopped off the healthy naturaly dreaded parts will be way stronger

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