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Build up, how do I rid myself of this?

Deven C. Harlow
12 years ago
8 posts

My dreads are not too old. Maybe a month or just over. I love them, love everything about them...almost. I'm not gettingdandruff however I am getting (what I consider thick) build up on my scalp. I have been using baking soda and rosemary solution to wash. I suppose it could be in the technique I use to wash. What is the best technique? I also tried very little bronners soap mixed with water and the issue remains. :(How do you get your scalp clean and fresh?

This may be tmi, but may help to describe as well. So here it is...

When I scratch my scalp theundercarriage of my finger nails fill up with this residue. I am really not enjoying this.Help if you can please. All feedback is greatlyappreciated. Thank you!

updated by @deven-c-harlow: 02/14/15 08:21:36AM
12 years ago
518 posts
What's the ratio of baking soda to water? It should be I part bs to 5 parts water. There are some really good forums here (which I haven't figured out how to link on my phone because I suck!). One in particular is titled 'baking soda and sea salt ratios'. Anyway, I've been told to check how strong I mix the bs to help with a similar problem (I have dry flaky itchy scalp and the gunk behind my ears).Leave the bs on for 10 to 20 minutes then rinse with cold water. I'll start doing this again tomorrow after work since I just washed yesterday. Good luck!
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

From what it looks like on geographical surveys of hard water in the US, you are right on the edge of having hard to moderately hard water.

What this means is that the BS does not dissolve completely. When you wash, some still remains. This will cause buildup.

The other issue you might be facing is that you could just not be using enough BS. What is the ration of it to water you're mixing? If not enough, it is exfoliating the dead kin on your scalp, but doesn't have enough left over to take it all the way off. It's a problem many people have before they find the perfect ratio for themselves.

Ad last, Are you doing an ACV rinse afterwards? You have to. Your scalp and hair are slightly acidc. BS is a base. It will raise the pH of your scalp and make is kind of slippery. The ACV is acetic acid, which brings your pH back to normal.

Deven C. Harlow
12 years ago
8 posts

Interesting, I hadn't thought about the hard water being a factor.I may need to tinker with my ratios of bs.

What exactly would you use for an ACV rinse. Anything special?

Thank the universe for this site, otherwise i would be clueless!

Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

The ACV rinse is Apple Cider Vinegar. Use that. Mix about a capful of it in 1 gallon of water for new locks. And the same amount as the BS for mature locks. For baby locks, let it sit for a matter of seconds. Mature locks can have it sit for a minute or 2.

There are ways toalleviateyourself of hard water. You can get a soft water filter for your shower head. Or boil the water first. Pour off the pure water, leaving a little at the bottom where all the minerals are. Then washing with the pure water. o you can build yourself a distillery with some easy to come by parts. There are tons of vids on youtube for how to make one

Erika Ostroski
12 years ago
22 posts

I had this happen within the first couple months also. I think because my hair got so oily so fast that it happened. Do you have oily hair? How often are you washing? I find that if I wash less, I have more build up.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

u might also want to try switching to the soaps which def wont build up in hard water

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
12 years ago
30 posts
I have exactly the same issue. if I scratch my scalp I get white stuff under my nails. difference is that I use rainwater to shower which is soft.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

not enough bs?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Deven C. Harlow
12 years ago
8 posts

Washing in just a bit with suggested new mixes. I will update soon. :) Thank you all for the help!!

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