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Messy roots....

12 years ago
1 posts

What to do with messy roots?? Well,I dont really care if my roots are messy though, but Im so worried about how my dreads will end up looking in the future.... Myroots are not dreaded yet as I am only about 6 weeks in, and all the loose hair in them keeps tangeling together, kind of forming my entire hair into become one dread.... Is this just normal roots, or is it really really bad??

Theese two are imposible to seperate now.... do that mean they will grow together into one??


My dreads.... :-)

updated by @caroline2: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

if u let them they will become 1 but u can seperate them when wet if they wont seperate add a lil olive oil to the connecting hairs only (its hard to get olive oil out if u use tioo much tho)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Hiba J
12 years ago
4 posts

wow that looks like a nightmare :O

but your dreads are pretty :)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

nah it dont look sso bad it wont be too hard to sort out ivce seen way worse..which it could be in a week or 2 if not dealt with ti=oday but it wont be too hard to sort out if she tackles it today

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

They don't look bad at all. Look at Eagles locks. He's been growing them for, what, 22 years. I'm sure his rots are messy under all the hair. But his locks look fine. Same with mine, and with everyone else who's had locks for years. The new growth at the root will lock up and look just like the rest of your locks in time. With the weight of the lock pulling on the root, and the fact that they are already locking up, the roots will in no time. Just be patient and separate as needed. But you don't need to separate all the way to the scalp. Just enough so that the main part of the lock is not tangled with another

12 years ago
539 posts

Hey sister, you are just a week behind me and your roots are FINE. I have the same thing going on but you need to figure out your "trouble" spots (by trouble spots I mean dreads that are constantly trying to congo. I have 2 areas that like to cluster and if I let them they would be dreads the size of my fist - no thanks) and keep pulling them apart. Sometimes I feel them up and if there is a loose hair that has decided to move in the wrong direction I just yank it back out and bead it to a dread that is more comfortable.
Also, this pulling apart, much easier with wet hair and even easier when in the shower (my hair dries super fast.) I also have to be fairly aggressive with some of my congos to get them apart. Another thing to consider is that even when you separate, you don't want to split your dreads all the way to the scalp either, especially with summer coming on, so if there is about a 1/2" of blended roots you are in good hands because your scalp won't get burned. :D

12 years ago
70 posts

I have the exact same thing going. Mine started almost 2 weeks into dreading I'm now in my 6th week and I literally have to separate twice a day. At one point a couple of the sections got painful so I combed them out and separated them better, now they don't give me problems anymore. I was so frustrated with my sections matting that I seriously contemplated combing my whole head and starting over. I finally decided against it and I'm glad I didn't because now I've got them to the point where I can keep them separated better. Here's what I do, in the shower I pull each section apart (I go through every single dread). I don't scratch with my fingers anymore because I noticed that wasn't helping the situation, so now I use a plastic pick to scratch. Once my hair is dry I separate again. I wash every 3 days. On days I don't wash, I separate once in the morning, and once before bed. They are still attached kind of but not nearly as bad. It will get better I promise, just have to keep up with it. :)

12 years ago
182 posts

I'd say just keep carefully separating as your hair knots and grows, and don't worry about the messy roots. Each dread will find its place. Yours look great, as the last pic shows. :)

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