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Dreadlocks Forums


12 years ago
1 posts

Today I decided I wanted natural dreadlocks so I just buzzed my head, figured that would be the best way.

New to this so any and all advice would be awesome.

updated by @josh8: 01/13/15 09:23:36PM
Baba Fats
12 years ago
2,702 posts

Sounds awesome. You won't regret it. But why did you decide to buzz you head in the first place? It'll be a while before they will even be able to start locking up. It usually takes at least 3 inches to start. And natural ones can need as much as 6 inches.

Good luck. Maybe start making a journal. Start with a buzzed pic and take one a month or so till it starts getting long enough to lock. Then take them more often

12 years ago
336 posts

Welcome Josh'] Just let it grow, keep it clean and don't brush or comb. Nothing will start to happen until it's at least 3-4 inches long. Plenty of time for you to learn the ropes, so to speak, hehe

12 years ago
182 posts

Clean start? I can understand. There's plenty to read on dreadlocks here, and we'll do our best to help you with questions as you you. Baba's idea of a journal is a good one. Please send us pics now and again so we can share a bit of the journey with you.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

you could have combed out whatever u had saved the length and let em dread from there but whats done is done you'll be dreading again soon enough

u might want some biotin to speed up growth

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

either the baking soda or stuff tho if u use soap scrub just the scalp

why did u buzz what did u have b4 waxy dread crochertted? how long did u have em

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
James Turk
12 years ago
107 posts

I thought about starting from a shaved head, but decided against it. Use the waiting time to get your scalp fully adjusted to a once or twice a week washing, that way by the time you have hair, it won't be oily. Another thing about starting from nothing is that it's excellent training for ignoringyour hair, and just going about your life. Good luck and please do a timeline we'd love to see it.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12 years ago
29,641 posts

1 biotin is a vitamin thats esential for hair and nail growth
2 wash when u want 1-3 times a wek

3 baking soda is alkaline hair acidic so u want at least the acv after to restore acidic state

no not a paste u mix it in wq pitcher and pour it on say u got a 1 foot tall pitcher thats 4 inches across u cover the bottom with maybe 1/4 inch baking soda the rest water

u can add oilsd if u want they are only to treat conditions like dandrugff you pour on soak 10 min rindse tghebn do the acvg (weajker)

4 u can wah with the bs otr a dread soap if u use dread soap scrub just the scalp not hair then rinse thru

u can do that now through when your dreaded tho after dreaded u wont have to be as gentle and afraid of undoing knots
Joshua St. Germain said:

please answer all questions

what are your opinions on biotin?

wash everyday, every 3 - 4 days, once a week?

can you wash with just baking soda? heard some people say they throw other things in the mix, hoping just baking soda is enough.

do i make a paste or make a water / baking soda mix in a ketchup bottle and squirt it on?

how do i wash at first?

how do i wash it when my hair is few inches?

how do i wash when i have dreads?

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
James Turk
12 years ago
107 posts

I've been taking Biotin for about 7 weeks now haven't really seen any results yet as far as faster growth but it may take up to 3 months to see results. Another supplement you can take is MSM it is for joint pain, it helps create collegen, and appearently increases the growth cycle of hair, meaning it stays in it's growth cycle for a longer time and it's rest cycle for shorter time, resulting in better growth rates. Some people claim that these supplements increase growth by 50%-75%. Not sure how true it is, but I'm currently doing my own expiriment with both. Hair is made from keratin, which is created from protein(doesn't have to be animal protein either) Biotin is what turns the protein into keratin, the more you take the faster you create keratin, and the faster you grow hair.

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