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Dry little dreadies

Trina Sandress
13 years ago
87 posts
Hi Juniper. I would not suggest using Emu Oil. Because it is animal based oil. I use jojoba oil because it is light. You don't want to use too heavy of an oil on your scalp or your dreadlocks it could leave residue and you want your scalp to be able to breathe.
updated by @trina-sandress: 07/22/15 01:06:04AM
13 years ago
849 posts
how do they get oil from Emu's?! I've never heard of it before.You're dreads are gorgeous! Especially for being so young!!
Juniper Howe
13 years ago
10 posts

Trina-Thank you.I thought that may be the case.I will use coconut or jojoba oil.Btw,your art work is gorgeous.

NatuarlWomyn-It is Emu fat.They are raised as a source of meat.A very dear sweet old wise woman I know has an emu farm.She makes her living from them.She gives me a bottle of the oil now and then.Thank you for the compliment.I've been having a bit of a hard time with how short they've gotten.I've never had short hair.They've shrunk about 8 inches.I just read Trina's blog about longing for long dreads:)It has helped to change my thinking.

Both of you pretty ladies have beautiful dreads.


13 years ago
235 posts
Yea water mixed with essential oils wont do much at all. Now if you took those essential oils and combined them with Jojoba like SE said or better yet, organic castor oil, then your getting somewhere. I live in a dry climate myself plus have hair that dries out on its own easily enough and honestly just by doing a hot oil treatment once a week, my hair has stayed in a optimal condition, even washing it three times a week.
13 years ago
849 posts
I feel your pain sister! 9 months ago my hair was at my bum now it's to my shoulders and some is even shorter. Oh well, it'll get there again some day! :o)
Trina Sandress
13 years ago
87 posts

You are quite welcome Juniper Howe! And thank you for the compliment on my creations!

I started my dreads from a shaved head so I am sorry to say that I can't really relate to the shrinkage. My hair has never been long til deciding to stop putting a comb to my head. Once I stopped doing that they grew.

I know it has to do with the texture of your hair. You have straight hair so you are experiencing what it is like to have hair like an African American I would guess.

Eons ago I would put chemical relaxers on my hair to straighten out the natural coil of my hair and it would be instantly longer. But in its natural state it is like wool on a sheep.

Thank goodness I stopped all that chemical warfare with my hairs. 13yrs later I have a head full of soft wooly locks.

I hope this helped with encouragement. This site is chockful of good advice,insights and inspiration! Glad you joined!!

Blessings to you and yours,


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