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maintaining crochet dreads

15 years ago
3 posts

i had my dreads crocheted 4 months ago and i love them, but little loops are starting to poke out of them. i've tried fixing them with a crochet needle by myself but that hasn't worked out for me. is there any other method someone could suggest to fix my problem? if not, i fear i'll have to get rid of them and that's the last thing i wanna do! please help me, my fellow dreadheads

updated by @live-free: 02/14/15 06:33:31AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
yes crochetting is a huge mistakeid rthrow away the needle and never touch it againas far sd loops love em and leave em its part of the dread process its how they matureu can palm roll em some but its not worth the effortloops become the surface features that make every dread uniquethrow away the needle you'll be much happier read my dreaducation thread in methods

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
i feel i sghould add some morecrochetting you break hairs everytime u try to fix 1 hair, over time this leads to weak dreads and more and more hairs to pop out requiring more crochetting you are making a nearly no maintanance hairstyle into a high maintanance onealso the crochetted parts look woven not dreaded so when new growth comes in u have to weave it so it dont look dofferentif you throw away thye hook now they will recfover in a few months..but keep it up and your stuck recrochetting for life and your dfeads will be weak

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
3 posts
i really like this idea of no-maintenance, but i do like my dreads to look somewhat tidy. other than palm rolling, what would you reccommend i do about the little hairs that are also sneaking their way out? soaringeagle said:
i feel i sghould add some more

crochetting you break hairs everytime u try to fix 1 hair, over time this leads to weak dreads and more and more hairs to pop out requiring more crochetting you are making a nearly no maintanance hairstyle into a high maintanance one
also the crochetted parts look woven not dreaded so when new growth comes in u have to weave it so it dont look dofferent

if you throw away thye hook now they will recfover in a few months..but keep it up and your stuck recrochetting for life and your dfeads will be weak
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
welltheres a few things u can docrochettings counter productive so stop thatthe next thing u can do isstep 5 feet away from the mirrorthere no more loose hairs visible huh u look at your dreads too closely u see toomsny flaws steap back to where others see you and they look neat and perfecrthowever..for a formal affair u can tidy up with 100% pure aloe gel never wax never use sunburn aloe only the refrigerated stuff

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
844 posts
yeah the loops are bound to happen, at around the same time, I had all kinda of big odd looking loops and knots but give it time and it will come together nicely :)I have before and after pictures where when i look back at particular dreads i think to myself "wow its changed so much from looking like that to how it is now" the result is a much better dread.
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
even after decades your dreads will allways be changingits an organic processyou'll see new lumps kinks lil budsthe loops are really the best part cause as they mature they give the dreads texture add unique surface features that keep em from being boringevery dread should have its own unique qualitiesconcider the looping as the development of personalityif when you were yoiung you were punnished fpr everything u did in the development of who you are (like 1st time u got a peircing or tat..or even dated someone your folks disagreed with) then by the time ya mature your not really in touch with the real you yetlooping is the beginning of the dreads discovering themselves developing the nature of themselvesif left to go according to its will you'll be amazed at how beautifulty they become unique individuals each with a strong personality all its ownsome people name theyre dreadsin order for a dread to earn a name its gotta stand out from the rest..not be a carbon copy clonelooping is that early adolescent need to be someone different.. to say hey look at specialdont beat that out of them

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
3 posts
thanks so much both of you! i feel infinitely better and look forward to the future of my little adolescent dreads :)
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
15 years ago
29,641 posts
they'll come along beautifulyyou came to the right placeoh if u do stop crochetting you will probably notice they slowly not only look, but feel diffrrenti never felt crochetted dreads personaly but i heard ppl say that the crochetted ones had a squeeky feel when scueezed (broken haird grinding on eachother i guess) while more natural growth felt softer spongier

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
15 years ago
303 posts
I don't really have anything as far as advice goes that SE and Iain haven't already covered, but I can help to show you what too much crocheting can do. This is a link to my timeline, the first few pics are from within the few months of dreading, and I crocheted religiously before I just flat out stopped because my dreads looked braided. Check out how much better they look at the bottum after not messing with them for some months.
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