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dreadlocks shampoo
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is it OK to wash just with baking soda and ACV

4 years ago
10 posts

Is it ok to use baking soda and acv once a month to wash my hair? My towel rub dreads are 7 months old and I have been washing them once a month with baking soda and acv. My wash method wetting my hair w cold water then on a pouring a pitcher with 5 cups water to 1/2 cup baking soda, letting that sit for 5-10 minutes then rinsing it out and pouring a pitcher of 5 cups water to 2 caps ACV on and rinsing it off immediately. My hair stays very clean through this but I m wondering if once a month is too often. 

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts
Noooo that destroyed my hair is best
baking soda is horse enough to eat off your skin a CV is acidic enough to dissolve a bone

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
4 years ago
29,641 posts
Noooo that destroyed my hair is best
baking soda is horse enough to eat off your skin a CV is acidic enough to dissolve a bone

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
4 years ago
10 posts

☮ soaring eagle ॐ: Noooo that destroyed my hair is best baking soda is horse enough to eat off your skin a CV is acidic enough to dissolve a bone
did it actually. I have had some big tangles of shedded hair fall out of my dreads instead of staying in I wonder if that is why. Which kind of shamppooo from that site should I get 
4 years ago
393 posts

From my experience with washing my hair with a baking soda and water mixture (at most a "level" tablespoon per 8 ounces of water plus chosen essential oils and maybe a carrier oil). It is better to rinse your hair out with plain water before using the optional apple cider vinegar mixture. The apple cider vinegar mixture is closer to being a conditioner than a water rinse.

WIth dreadlocks, washing your hair gradually less often is helpful because your body gradually produce less "Sebum." In between washes the sebum produced becomes a natural scalp and hair follicle conditioner.

IF USED... the baking soda mixture is better for your scalp if you pour on upto half of the 8 ounces on you head, massage your scalp some, and let it set for a few minutes before rinsing it out with plain water.

The dreadlock shampoo "SoaringEagle" mentioned is a variation of "Hair beer" shampoo and take your pick on aroma. I currently use the unscented one maybe once a week.

updated by @goldeneagle: 10/08/20 12:59:53AM
4 years ago
10 posts


From my experience with washing my hair with a baking soda and water mixture (at most a "level" tablespoon per 8 ounces of water plus chosen essential oils and maybe a carrier oil). It is better to rinse your hair out with plain water before using the optional apple cider vinegar mixture. The apple cider vinegar mixture is closer to being a conditioner than a water rinse.

WIth dreadlocks, washing your hair gradually less often is helpful because your body gradually produce less "Sebum." In between washes the sebum produced becomes a natural scalp and hair follicle conditioner.

IF USED... the baking soda mixture is better for your scalp if you pour on upto half of the 8 ounces on you head, massage your scalp some, and let it set for a few minutes before rinsing it out with plain water.

The dreadlock shampoo "SoaringEagle" mentioned is a variation of "Hair beer" shampoo and take your pick on aroma. I currently use the unscented one maybe once a week.

I am planning on getting that shampoo soon. So your saying if you use the baking soda to not use the apple cider as a follow up and just rinse with water instead? 
4 years ago
393 posts


I am planning on getting that shampoo soon. So your saying if you use the baking soda to not use the apple cider as a follow up and just rinse with water instead? 

Unless you wish to use a conditioner after using a "shampoo." Yes, the ACV mixture is like a conditioner and conditioners are optional.  

If I recall correctly, conditioners were originally developed to counter harsh traditional shampoos that removed too much sebum from the scalp.  For the fun of it, I have not used a conditioner in at least five years.
4 years ago
10 posts

☮ soaring eagle ॐ: Noooo that destroyed my hair is best baking soda is horse enough to eat off your skin a CV is acidic enough to dissolve a bone

I noticed I've got some white, sticky kind of also greyish buildup in a lot of my dreads. Its on the inside of them. What is this and what can I do to get it out? I ripped two open and tried scraping it out but id have to tear open the whole dreads to really remove it. thanks

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