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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

Effects Of Water Rinsing

Raven's Light
7 years ago
346 posts

I have a question, for a long while now, I have been feeling like I may want to transition to shampooing only once a week, and rinsing my hair with just water another day (only done during the warmer months that is) - but I keep wondering if this would actually be helpful to my dreads, such as allowing my natural sebum to travel from my scalp into and down my dreads or if it would not really do anything beneficial for them at all, ie just do nothing but get my hair wet? 

updated by @ravens-light: 05/17/19 10:25:07PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,641 posts

washings more effective but you can do that if you want.. good way to cool down in summer

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Raven's Light
7 years ago
346 posts

I used just water on my hair today (only because it had been 3 days since my last wash) I wanted to do something to combat the itchiness I felt. Oddly enough it worked quite well to fix the itch, I even used a cold water rinse to close the hair follicles...but I felt like a heavy or odd feeling on my roots, I have been using the tea tree tingle shampoo from Trader Joe's for a while, and I am wondering if that feeling I felt was the leftover bits of the shampoo (although I am very careful to wash it all out), if there is any, as for some reason my eyes really stuck a bit as the water ran off my hair, which in spite of the  ingredient listed in the shampoo claiming to irritate the eyes, this doesn't happen often (which is sort of why I am wondering if I can stick with this liquid soap, since it would be a much simpler means to wash my hair.)

I guess the question I am left with from this is, was it the warm water I first used or just the act of getting the oil off my scalp that helped the itch? I am attaching a picture of my now dry dreads as further documentation of how my parting is probably fixed :D

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,641 posts

hard to say since the itch might return tomorrow and just wetting it was just temporary relief

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
7 years ago
233 posts

I use 1/3 ACV and 2/3 water once a month to clean my hair, soak and rinsed thoroughly. Washing with water once or twice a week (daily before dreads) I've been doing this for years before dreading, I've never experience breakage. I've been neglecting for about 7 months now, maybe more, the last two months I noticed a lot of itching and dandruff! It was miserable! What I've been using as of this last month has really helped and the dandruff is gone, I use apricot oil with essential oils, tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender and sweet orange. Each morning first I spray my hair with distilled water using the same essential oils minus the apricot oil, then I massage into my scalp the apricot oil mixed with the essential oils. My hair smells fresh and sweet every day, my scalp no longer itches and the dandruff is a thing of the past!

Raven's Light
7 years ago
346 posts

Isn't ACV bad for your dreads, doesn't it weaken your hair over time? I mean I know the baking soda weakens your hair but hasn't it also been shown that ACV is also bad for your hair. The oils are certainly why you don't have an itch, but you need to be careful not to overdo the oiling because getting oil stuck in your hair is NOT fun. I once over did it with coconut oil, and it felt kinda gross to have oil stuck in my dreads.

updated by @ravens-light: 10/19/17 01:37:29PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,641 posts

i did too and looked greasy for weeks it didn't wash out in 1 wash  or even 3

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
7 years ago
233 posts

Acv undiluted is not good, diluted 50% or more is not going to harm your hair, I use 1/3 and 2/3 water. Coconut oil is a very heavy oil (before dreads that was my once every 6 weeks deep conditioning treatment), it will not rinse out with water and will leave a residue as well as collect dirt if you are unable to fully pull it through and out (using a boar brush is the best to pull it through and out), however there are other oils that are water soluble, such as apricot, avocado, and I saw soaring eagle suggested Jojoba oil (I love that stuff as well can't believe I didn't think it use it myself) that will not build up in the hair, they're great for skin and hair- healing oils. I use a small dropper and apply it directly onto the scalp and massage in. If I get crazy with the dropper (using 3-4 full servings at my loose bangs) I do notice a little greasy look but it washes out in the first rinse just water or by the next day it has dissipated, but I've never noticed my dreads looking greasy, just the loose hair when I overdo it on the same day.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,641 posts

yea  jojoba is great argon too 

the times i had trouble with it being too heavy was using the africas best oils or olive oil (that was the worse but was all i had available)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
7 years ago
29,641 posts

yea  jojoba is great argon too 

the times i had trouble with it being too heavy was using the africas best oils or olive oil (that was the worse but was all i had available)

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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