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Sections and separation

10 years ago
4 posts


I'm three months into natural dreading. It actually started knotting up after 3-4 days, but the outer layer is just starting to tangle up now even though it doesn't look like it's sectioned. I have to ad that my hair knots up almost at the ends, most likely because my hair was bleached once.

Well, my questions are:

Everyone says that the hair will section itself, but I don't feel mine is doing that. It looks like at the ends, but when I feel at the roots they are bigger than one inch. These ones are easier to section myself, but I have some that just tangle together and I have to make up the sections myself. Is this normal and what did you do about it?

Some sections are kind of flat. Will the dread be flat as well?

I think the separation his a hassle. It is difficult in the back of the head and the shape of the section is impossible to be sure of.

Around the ears is another thing. The hair is so thin there. How did you do it? There are no sections, my hair tangles from the top of my are to the bottom.

updated by @awolffka: 01/13/15 10:06:13PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
10 years ago
29,641 posts

flat sections donjt make flat dreads no fast dreading means alot more seperating early on and u will just have to do it by feel

areound the ears will take way longer to dread

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
10 years ago
4 posts

updated by @awolffka: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
10 years ago
4 posts


updated by @awolffka: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
10 years ago
4 posts

updated by @awolffka: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
Anthony Armstrong
10 years ago
1 posts
Not sure about the seperating as mine were started muuuuch shorter when I began to neglect... But after 1 year my sections are just fine (after much work seperating and letting them find their own places) and I have a head full of happy dreads....BUT...around my ears and around the back of my neck are loose as ever.I wash every second day and just a rinse on odd days (and wash behind my ears and neck whenever I have the chance, thinking that would help), but aside from one little guy that I braided and let dreaded, those areas remain loose. I guess maybe the small amount of hair is no match for the oily areas no matter what the effort. Either way.... I've given up and chose to accept and try to not let the lose areas bother me when they tickle my face lol
Gypsy Vin Rose
10 years ago
19 posts

I'm not sure I can be of much help, since my dreads are only 3 to 4 months old. However, I can say the knots and loops are a normal part of my day to day life ofbeing a dread newbie. : ) The more seasoned dreadies like Taye and Soaring Eagle can tell you so much more than I. Neglectis key, and staying away from mirrors.haha *great advice I was given*

But,if you're ever having a frustrating day, as I often do, feel free to drop me a note. We can be each other's support. 'Have patience',is the advice I most often get from my seasoned dreadie friends. It's easier said than done, but I feel--taking advice of dread hiarchy--that it will so be worth it when my dreads mature.

updated by @gypsy-vin-rose: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
9 years ago
32 posts

You're right about neglect, gypsy-vin-rose!  Mine are 4-5 months old now and for the first few months I would constantly play with my sections (in a mirror.. sigh) and separate all the damn time, especially when two in the back congoed pretty bad and I had to cut a little bit of it to separate them.  What I'm learning--and what I've seen here a lot but sometimes takes experience to sink in--is that it's very true to stay away from mirrors, and even go camp in the woods for a week like SE said!  I see way more progress after a few days of not touching my hair than I have before after a week or two while constantly playing with it.  It's so hard not to though! ;p

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