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How to get beads to stay in

6 years ago
62 posts

So...I’ve decided that I want to put some bamboo beads in my hair because I’ve read on this forum that beads can help freeform dreadlocks form a little bit faster.

I got some bamboo, sawed a little bit off the end and hollowed it out, and made a few different sizes, but none of them seem to stay in my hair. I manage to thread them (but barely, it takes ages for some reason), and they might stay on a while, but the slightest movement too quickly and they’ll fall out.

Is there a trick to getting them to stay in or is it just the fact thst my hair is curly or something? 

Thanks. Peace 

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☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

yes  keep trying diferent dreads till they find a home   if non  work the beads too big take a thread make a loop (I then twirl the tip in my mouth so it makes a point) catch the point in the loop to pull it through, push up till it sticks if it reaches the roots you need a thicker dread repeat till you find a dread it wants to  live on

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
414 posts
I actually tried some beads and had them in for a couple of weeks. When I took them out the hair had got "matted" together which I thought was good but upon closer inspection it looked like the hair inside the beads had never dried properly and shampoo hasn't washed out properly and they were just gunked up. Had to scrub like fuck in the shower to sort them out.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

too big (long) of beads will trap water  

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
47 posts

Would bone beads work, or should I stay away from those?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

a bead is anything with a hole..or.. a hole surrounded by anything

i've seen many wear vertabrea as beads. or the Tibetan skull beads that are the finger bones of monks (lkely not actual monk fingers just bones)

if it has a hole that fits yu can weat it just make sure its not so long that it keeps the dread moist inside

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
414 posts

The ones I used weren't long they were actually pretty small.

That could have been the problem though, I had to use ones with a pretty small hole so that they didn't fall out so maybe the hole was a bit too plugged.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
6 years ago
8 posts

I prefer beads that are 'woven' so that there's space for air flow to the lock around the bead.  That hasn't been much of a problem for mine (some of them have been in since about 3 months into the process and one is kinda stuck until I cut it out, which I don't want to do.  Though most of the beads I have are left over beads from art projects I've done.  Or have been given to me as gifts from friends who have dreads. 

The ends of my locks are still wide (I just let the ends do their own thing) so I have to problem of getting beads in.  Once I've managed to wiggle it on it's good though.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

you mean like peyote sleves?

your name tavelor wanted are you going to the rainbow gathering?


My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
8 posts

I haven't tried Peyote sleeves yet.  These are little metal woven beads I bought as spacers for some bracelets I made.  They have an open lattice to them so I figured they'd work well.

I know how to make the sleeves, I just haven't found colors I want to use in my hair yet.  I tend to go for earthy tones in my hair decorations and am extremely picky.  Though might do some watery element feeling ones, or icy tones.

And as for the rainbow gathering. won't be making it.  Saving up for a better car and camera for doing travel vids to go with my blog.  Though I will mark it down for the next one.  Looks like it would be fun.

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