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Baby dreads... Extensions?

Abigail Ranic2
11 years ago
2 posts

Hey guys, I have rather short dreadlocks (twist and rip method). My hair grows REAALLLLLYYYY slowly and the max length is to my shoulders. I was considering dread extensions? I wanted to know your guys opinions/stories on extensions?

updated by @abigail-ranic2: 02/03/18 12:51:16PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

most ppl that got them hated them cause they felt fake

additionaly they need to be established (8 month old or so) dreads to anchor them onto

the methods used to attach themk are very harmful

this doesnt apply to extentions you make but be aware that in certain countries theres a black market for extentions people are being knocked out (with possibble brain damage) and shaved the natural dreads they greww for years then sold as extentions

tke biotin every single day (i think 6000 mg?) after 3 months it will grow at double even tripple speed

also dreads will frow longer then your hair fgrew after shrinking 1st

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Abigail Ranic2
11 years ago
2 posts

Thank you, but what was the last thing you meant to say? Do you think they would feel fake if I used real hair extensions? What about wool extensions? Have you heard anything about Lock Peppa? I've heard it's really good. Sorry for asking so many questions, I'm new to the dreadlock scene

11 years ago
170 posts

Lock peppa is no good.. The extensions will feel fake in the way that they will feel detached from you in a more mental/emotional way.. Much love and peace to you! :D

11 years ago
170 posts

All lock peppa really does is just cake up in your hair and causes hair to stick together into ropes.. Of course that is the simplified version.. I'm sure SE will have something to add about the lock peppa

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,641 posts

lock peppa is a scam its pure crap in fact its a product sold for removing the hair from catsz ears

its just grit that creates the illussion of making the hair more knotty (pouring a handful of dirt or sand (sands 1 of the ingredients in it) o=in your hauir does the same thing

once its washed out the knots you thought u had are gone too

and you should never ever crochet your dreads

they will feel fake cause they arent yoir dreads they are just attached to you

you'll have no bond with them

dreading is a amazing thing the dreads affect you

extentions will never feel right

the crochet thats used to attach them causes extreme harm (and when you use it on tyour dreads delays progress by 6 months)

i said take biotin vitamin b7 i think it is every single day a large dose i think 1500-6000 mg is recomended but someone else can verify

biotin will double even tripple the growth rte (after 3 months it takes 3 months to become effective)

as long as you avoid products from dreadheadhq and tools like hooks they will stay healthy and grow long

mine were much shorter then yours when i started

thats them 5 years ago (longer now)

dreads can extend themselves only the 1st yeart are they short

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1

updated by @soaring-eagle: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
11 years ago
1 posts

Ive used extensions and I loved them! I ordered 50% synthetic and 50% real hair extensions and I dreaded them myself so I knew that they would look similar to my real hair. I crotched them in and with a little maintenance they look great

Bob Ngarly
10 years ago
161 posts

I would wait till your dreads are more mature. SInce your dreads look really young, i bet it would be hard to make the extensions blend into your hair without looking obviously like extensions. Ive heard extension hair dreads really fast so the bottom half of your dreads could be really dreaded while the top reamains the same... IDK.. I had extensions at one point, and am contemplating adding some again. but its so much work! I may just be lazy and patient.

Amanda Clouse
10 years ago
53 posts

It is really about personal preference and why you are on your dreadlocks journey. If you are doing it for fashion/image reasons, then I'd say wait until they are a little bit more mature before attaching extensions.

If you are dreading your hair for a more spiritual/emotional reason, I'd say let your locs grow on their own. As SE said, taking biotin (5000mcg) daily will help your hair grow. It does take a couple months to really start working, but you'd have to wait longer than that to put in extensions anyway, since they won't stay in if your hair isn't locked up enough.

The only thing I will warn you about, is the people saying they crocheted their extensions in....crocheting breaks a lot of hairs, which creates weak spots in your locks. It might not seem noticeable at first, but over time, it can cause your dreads to break at the weak spots. One time crochet might not lead to the dread breaking off eventually, but I wouldn't risk it personally. It is your head, however, thus your choice. I just wanted to warn you so you are aware of the potential danger. I think the bad heavily outweighs the good with crochet needles and dreads.

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