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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums
6 years ago
24 posts

hey guys i live in Chicago and planing on moving in 6 months but still deciding on what state i want to move to.I want to move to a peaceful place with awesome people with good hearts and being with nature in peace and a lot of camping i want to be in a place were i can find deadheads i can share this with and enjoy real life can anyone suggest any states? thanks :)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts


other then that places

Oregon.. pretty much the whole state  cali especialy northern but not so cheap


Ashville north carolina

in tennasee 1 of the rainbow kitchens shut up and eat it has rainbow land it was shut up and grow it its now the garden

I think its 160 acres a dozen or so schoolbusses a communal open air kitchemn a communal roundhouse (looks cool as shit)  they are a self sufficient farm anyones welcome to live there just 25 hours of any type work a week

a lot come and go but a dozen or so are a core group year round

montana.. montanas huge wild and pretty uch can camp anywhere.. cold as hell in winter  summers are short  can get snow even in june/july

new mexico around toas area, desert living or 'the mesa' is a wild community off the grid (the documentary "off the grid" is the mesa my dear dear friend robbies in it) that areas got legendary sunrises and sunsets from horizon to horizon pastels to horizon to horizon brilliance 

costa rica.. get the fuck outta this mess   trump created 

costa rica disbanded the military, to use the military budget to improve the environment. 

you can own land as a  non citizen, and just cross any border for 2 weeks out of a year (to come here for a rainbow gathering?) 

equador all citizens get free land. a friend from rainbow reforested most of the country. as a non citizen environmental activist super hippie, she commanded all the military top brass who did the work of refiorestation under her direction. they gave her citizenship  and I think 60000 acres

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
414 posts
Anywhere in Europe apart from the UK.

I'm on Twitter @FemalePheromone
and Instagram @FemalePheromones
6 years ago
24 posts

Oregon is such a beautiful state but pricey we want to live near the city my grandma needs to be close to public transportation so she can get around she doesn't drive i would love to live in europe n uk that would amazing i know it beautiful n you get so much fresh air and nature all around i am stilll looking around just need to be somewhere were i can be with nature and good people        

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

Ashville nc it is then its a smaller city considered by most to be the nicest best place to live in the country.. full of open min ded folks.. very close to a national forrest for camping but has public transit in town. the towns very cultural and just wonderful its supposed;ly the happiest town in america

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
6 years ago
24 posts

im gonna checkout Ashville nc i heard its a beautiful laid back and peaceful and the greenery! i been looking online around for homes in south east part 

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
6 years ago
29,641 posts

yup I think you'll like it

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
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