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wrapping newly forming dreads?

Mikhail Ceballo
11 years ago
20 posts
Hello dread lock family! This is Mikhail's girlfriend Courtney and I am wondering if it's okay to wrap newly forming dreads?! I have A LOT of hair that is wavy and have been neglecting it for a almost 3 weeks now and the dreads are forming very quickly. It is taking so much maintenance to keep sectioning it, everyday all my hair starts to knot together making a massive congo even if I just sectioned it the day before. I want to know if it is okay to wrap some yarn or hemp loosely around the sections to keep them from turning into massive congos. Also if anyone has a tutorial on how to that would be great, thanks!
updated by @mikhail-ceballo: 01/13/15 09:53:26PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
11 years ago
29,640 posts

dont use yarn if its not tight its fine u might want to replace it often or just keep seperating it will settle down eventualy

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
11 years ago
173 posts

Im not sure if I would wrap your little babes since they're so young.. When I wrapped a few of mine they sort of froze in the process. Probably because the string prevents them from moving a lot. If your locs aren't able to move and create friction they will take longer to mature. SE is right, they will settle down eventually.
But if you Do choose to wrap them I would use embroidery thread, yarn will leave fuzzies in your dreads. :) Peace to you!

the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Yes you can absolutely wrap early into your journey, but use the criss cross method with embroidery thread. This method still allows the hair to dread, it does not constrict it at all. Cut a long piece of the thread, find the middle point and tie it not too tightly to the top of your section. Now start to wrap on thread in one direction and the other tread in the opposite direction, it should look like XXXXX as it comes down the hair. The wider the X shapes, the better for the section to still do its journey. This will last 2 weeks to 2 months. You can choose brilliant colours or use the same as your hair. Some people say to use hemp, but at the early stage I think this is better to use, it is softer, more like hair. When sections are more mature, the hemp is a fantastic thing to use. There is a video on her how to do it, but I am having a brain fart and can't find it right now.....Some people like to completely wrap their section, not seeing any hair at all, this constricts the dreading process, you will see their wrapped sections much longer than the unwrapped ones as they are unable to dread.....Just remember, don't tie any ends too tight, don't want to damage the sections making weak points where tied.....peace

Mikhail Ceballo
11 years ago
20 posts

thank you everyone for taking the time to help me out!! much love, <3

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