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Waiting to redread...My journey.

Melinda Thompson
11 years ago
8 posts

Hey guys!

My name is Melinda, but most everyone calls me Gypsy. I'm 26 and live in northeast Alabama. For most of my life I've always been drawn to dreads. Several years ago I thought I'd attempt to dread my own hair - but being impatient as I was I did it with lack of true information. I used wax and crocheted the hell out of them. They turned out 'decent' (in the sense that they weren't to damaged because I was able to comb them out) but were oily as hell! They were so tight that they stuck out the entire six months, even with laying on them with full weight (didn't prop up).

I still want dreads, so I decided to weight for my hair to heal. Its been almost 5 years now, I've put it off from time to time with job changes. I'm settled in right now and believe its time to finally get dreads again. The problem I face right now, is my hair is super short after deciding to cut my hair (and I only cut it because I was desperate for a change -a complete mistake that I regret wholeheartedly because my hair would be almost to my waistline right now!). I had a mohawk, so my sides are shorter then the top and back at the moment. BUT I was thinking of going ahead and dreading while its short, so that it wont take as long to dread the full length of before (past my boobs) so it wouldn't take a full weekend. Would be faster for work.

The only thing I'm worried about it how short is too short. I've heard varied lengths.. right now the top is almost 4 inches, but the back is about 2 inches (and the sides are exactly 1 inch). I was planning to grow it out more before I dread so right now I'm in the weighting period and here to find out all I can before I redread. I'm still not to sure how I should go about it this next time around, but that's where this site comes it. I want to learn all I can and if anyone wants to friend/email me to share your experiences, please do! I'd greatly appreciate it!


Gypsy - Melinda

updated by @melinda-thompson: 01/13/15 09:52:05PM
the Barrellady
11 years ago
1,302 posts

Hi Gypsy, you will love love love your dreads this time around. They will be healthy and sit beautifully, and sway with the wind. To help your hair grow quicker, go to the drug store or health store and purchase Biotin with 6000mcg. This helps promote hair growth and you will see a difference in 3 months, it also strengthens nails. Another member, Taye, buys hers from Target 10,000mcg strength, you can find it for under $10. Hair likes to start to dread when it is about 6inches, but you can start the journey now, let your hair naturally separate and it will dread when long enough. I can honestly say that the neglect method is the best way. the second best and safest made method is Twist & Rip. Here is a link to a posting I made for what I learned on my T&R journey:

The longer the hair, the more it shrinks. Mine was almost to my waist and shrunk up to my shoulders, neck line. That was a sad shocker for me. If I can answer anything else, please feel free to ask me. But yep, start the Biotin now to get you on your way, stop brushing and use a dread friendly shampoo...Peace

Melinda Thompson
11 years ago
8 posts

Thank you soo much for the advice and link I can't wait to keep on reading and learning from this site!! I've already learned soo much!!

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