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Dreadlocks Forums

My one and only baby dread

Heathen Hippie )O(
13 years ago
164 posts

So... I haven't combed or brushed my hair in 68 days and this is all I get?! lol.

I think I just need to stop pulling my hair back when it's in my face. Get a loose, cloth headband or something. But I'm happy about my one baby dread, nonetheless. :)

updated by @heathen-hippie-o: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

pushing it back alot could do it for sure

but contgrats on that bavby but ya know your kinda still in the average range although it seems alot dread fast many more dread around the same time u began

what are u washing wuith how how often how u dry etc maybe we can help it go lil faster

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
Heathen Hippie )O(
13 years ago
164 posts

Thanks!! :D I was petting my hair one day last week [sounds funny huh] and I was like O.O A dread! haha.

I'm trying to help it go faster... not because I'm impatient but because I feel like if my hair works too slowly I'll mess it up. kwim? lol.

I probably could be doing this wrong lol but I wash once a week with anti-residue shampoo, every 3-4 days with dr. bronner's, cold rinses in the shower on days that I don't wash. And I always rinse with cold. I try to blow dry my hair but sometimes I just let it be. I know I prob should wash with different stuff but haven't had the $ for EOs, and I used to wash every SINGLE day because I was told wrongly several years ago that it was healthy to shampoo your hair every day. So now I'm trying to fix oily-if-I-don't-get-washed-every-day hair. :)

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