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dreadlocks shampoo
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awsome in a bottle?

13 years ago
19 posts

So i've been battling a dry scalp. Super dry flaky flaky flaky scalp. Then i've been noticing my dreads are feeling rather dry on the ends. On top of that they were holding the smell of cigarette smoke something awful. I came on here and gathered some ideas for a recipe to help and headed down to my local awsome health store. I told Fred i need moisturizing febreeze for my dreads basicly. He reached over and grabbed this spray bottle and said what do you think. so i began reading ingredients, Distilled water, Natural vitamin E, Essential oils of calendula, Lavender, esame, Geranium, Roman chamomile, Sandalwood, and French seaweed extract. Sound good? i think so and it smells amazing!

I then sprayed in on my entire arm and lots of it to see if it was greasy and oily cause i dont want my dreads to be all slicked up and it felt like i just sprayed water but left my skin feeling refreshed and moist without any kind of greasy slippery sticky sensation. So i said Fred il take it.

What is this awsome in a bottle? Its called Solar Recover. The bottle says on the back so maybe you can find it there if your local health store doesnt have it.

I hear so many people asking about how to mix oils and what ones and i think these guys got it just right. so far it feel amazing in my dreads.

so anyway hope this helps some people.

updated by @challie: 01/13/15 08:54:34PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts

i have my own bin of oils by my shower and i mix em according to conditions sometimes add a lil africas best sometimes jojoba alwaysteatree rosemary pepermint lavander but in varying ammounts dreads always feel amazing and soft and wonderful

but always up to try new things

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
19 posts
do any of those ingredients seem like a bad idea? now it is meant for skin not hair but its a mist and doesnt feel oily or lotion like at all. that ok?
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
13 years ago
29,640 posts
well it soilds great for skin candula especialy

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
13 years ago
19 posts
do you think that a lite misting on my dreads will harm them or help them?
13 years ago
235 posts
I dont see how it would, though if you have naturally oily/straight hair i dunno if i would use it everyday. At least on the dreads. Could be good for the scalp too although if you are having dandruff problems consider switching to a different shampooor when your in the shower put some of that Africas Best in with your shampoo. The stuff treats you good.
Shanxon Lemasters
13 years ago
411 posts
sounds great to me! (not that i'm an expert tho) I am actually headed to my health store today, i'm outta peppermint and i want to pick up some tea tree, might have to see if we have that :)
lion in a coma
13 years ago
5 posts

eek i'd be careful with it-- i just went to the website you listed because it sounds AMAZING!

but just so you're aware, it is meant for detangling. this is the online description for it:

"While we were testing Save Your Skin in the tropics we were also diving daily and Charlene's hair was getting so tangled in her dive mask that we would have to rip it to get it out.

The criteria for this product was to create anall natural fine mistto spray into hair that is saturated with salt water to keep natural moisture in and to detangle: This makesit rather unique in addition to its other uses.

  • We use it daily after showering and towel drying.
  • It?s a great leave in conditioner and can even be used on dry hair to add a little moisture.
  • Many mothers we know use it on their daughter's hair in the morning to detangle dry knotted hair instantly.

It's another one of those products that has multiple uses, and if you're going to spend any time at the beach there is nothing better thanSave Your Hairto control beach frizzys.

INGREDIENTS: Distilled water, natural vitamin E, avocado oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, calendula, lavender oil, and lemon grass oil."

13 years ago
19 posts
Yeah i noticed it was making my hair a lil too soft so i only use it once in a while now when the ends feel super dry. It prolly would be a great thing to use as like pretreatment for removing dreads.K so warning. Only use on dreads about once a month. Apply only a super light misting. A little goes a looooooooong way.Lol thanks for thr info
lion in a coma
13 years ago
5 posts
Perfectly stated. :) You're quite welcome, and I'm glad it's working well in small doses.
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