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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

hello!!! an introduction

Ana Adlercreutz
14 years ago
4 posts
Hello :) I've had dreads for four months. Half of them are my real hair and the other half are extensions. Currently working on exchanging the synthetic extensions I already half to human hair extensions, but money is tight. Tons of loose hairs.... yep that's normal though. One side is very full of dreads and the other is lacking. I love my dreads. Originally I wanted them for only a year but now they are growing on me and I want them for much longer. I really don't do much to maintain them. I crochet one if it needs it and I almost never wash them. Like every 2ish weeks or so they are washed with aussi shampoo or with organic shampoo. I have a little bit of dandruff, not sure about that.Tips and suggestions are welcome thank you :)peace
updated by @ana-adlercreutz: 01/13/15 08:48:26PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
tips never crochet if u crochet then they will alweways need crochetit ruins dreads so never ever do itands wash them way more at least weekly or 2-3 times a weekand why put in exterentions if u want real dreads to lasttake out the extreentions completely and just let yoir dreads grow

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
145 posts
Synthetic fibers are bad, if you're going to keep extensions in switch to human hair as soon as you can or just remove the synthetic because it is a plastic and will goo up your hair as it deteriorates. A year is barely enough time to have dreads form! Most people don't have what would be considered full dreads in a year, but it depends on the hair. I would switch to baking soda/ acv rinse, it really helps them form without leaving any residue or disturbing already formed knots. If I ever do extensions, which I will if my hair doesn't get any length by next summer, I would only use human hair because then it knots and forms like hair and wont deteriorate into something weird and you can treat it like regular hair with blow drying or dyeing if you want.
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