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dreadlocks shampoo
Dreadlocks Forums

Help! I have dandruff!

14 years ago
19 posts
I was looking at anti dandruff shampoo... medicated shampoo. Might this be okay to wash with if it's a formula rather than a shampoo that makes your hair pretty? I've been using baking soda rinse, but i'm afraid I may be using too much baking soda and drying my scalp out. But I'm a clean freak, I'm so worried about my hair looking, feeling and BEing clean. Ugh.

Plus, I smoke cigarettes...

updated by @shawnee: 01/13/15 08:31:43PM
☮ soaring eagle ॐ
14 years ago
29,640 posts
add 10 drops teartree and 30 drops rosemary and add same to vinagar rinceif u need to add a lil jojoba tootat shhhould do itif not a rosemary tea spray betyweeen wases

My new book Ban The Taboo Vol 1
14 years ago
155 posts
You got me wikipedia-ing dandruff, it's kind of interesting. Says one of the cures is baking soda and tea tree oil are good at fighting off dandruff. I had dandruff I used a tiny tiny bit of head and shoulders, and dr bronners tea tree , acv. then kind of decided not wash for 2 weeks and all my problems went away. washing less will make your scalp produce less oils if you do it on a regular basis.
14 years ago
47 posts
ive tried the tea tree and rosemary , in my rinse and as a leav in tea...nothing really worked.. so i used head and shoulders diluted one time its been 2 weeks and i havent had any dandruff...try it....what i did is skipd the acv backing soda and put a few drops of the h&s intesive in a watter bottle filled with watter and poured of my dome...let soak and rinsed out
14 years ago
19 posts
Thank you everyone!!! It's been very helpful. I'm going to try to find some essential oils, but until then I might just try some dandruff shampoo. Thanks again! Love all around.
14 years ago
212 posts
don't wear black =^.^=
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