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dreadlocks shampoo


what happened

By marisue, 2013-02-17

ok so I was going thru my hair and as I was slipping my hair thru a bead I noticed that the ends of my hair all of a sudden locked up like this . is this normal or should I try to untangle it gently, actually looks kind of cool but it happened so quick. thanks

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whats going on here!

By marisue, 2013-02-17
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By Brianna Elizabeth, 2013-02-16
So, I personally he always wanted dreads my first attempt failed but now im on my second attempt and I have learned so much, im over a month in but after learning natural is best I have left my baby locs alone to grow freely. I knew some people who had started there journey right after me, and they were so brainwashed by the forced methods and sick with the intoxication of instant dreads so once they all fell out of these people hair they claimed they were backcombed "incorrect" when in reality there is no correct way to force dreads. After finding this site, I tried explaining that they were being fooled by.YouTube but they just didn't believe me, now there fully combed out and here I am with a month of dreadies that I love even if im fluffy, these dreads on my head are my babies, aside from my son and my guitar my dreads are my love seeing people make dreads a strictly vanity thing made me that much more determined to prove that its so much more then how dreads look I take care of my babies and I cherish them. people judge me by my tattoos and dread locs see im a mommy and almost double take in shock and im learning that, all that matters is im happy with my dreads growth, and my growth as a person.
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The Exchange

By Green Thumb Gardener, 2013-02-15

Whenever we think of, or speak of others we exchange energy. Thus we are always becoming a new person. We would all do best if we no longer spoke ill of others or gossiped. Instead we should help one another to overcome our obstacles and heal the earth.

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11 month 4 day twist & rip & natural

By the Barrellady, 2013-02-15

Namaste my peace loving dreadheads, I thought it was about time that I posted some photos on my twist & rip dread journey. It has been 11 months since I threw away my hairbrush, shampoos and vanity.

In the photo below, my hand shows how long my hair was when I started my freedom. As you can see, I have one section that was held back at school, does not want to join it's friends yet.

I can't believe how much my hair shrank from long straightness. When I first began the journey, I knew it slowly feeds it way up, thickening as it goes, but somehow this was a surprise to me, how short it really got in such a short time. I must have a metal plate in my head, I try to take turns on how I sleep, but I always manage to wake on the right side of my head. They are shorter than the other side. Still messy looking too. Ah now, here is the left side with the longer sections due to my sleeping habits. No worries though, they will catch up eventually. Underneath all that mess are very short, locking up dreads, up the nape of my neck. I am amazed they really shrunk that short from such long hair. You read about it, but to experience it is another thing. At the moment there is a count of 76 sections.

I noticed that the skinnier sections that I T&R'ed were done tighter, but not on purpose. Anyone doing their hair this method should always do them loosely, and don't let the skinny ones fool you, do em loose too.

I have gone through some days that I thought I looked like a troll, yep, even took pics on those days for my own personal journal, but I won't share those ones. Ha, Ha. I am finally very comfortable not wearing a tam when going out. Luckily I work from home, so the troll was able to stay under the bridge, site unseen. I am by no means vain, nor care about makeup and such, but I really did look like a crazy person for awhile there.

The reason I posted this was because I read many of you worried about your hair not maturing fast. You see photos of people 1 year in and they look fantastic already. Well, look at mine, they are on their way, but not close to mature. We all dread at a different pace. I hope that these photos help ease your mind. Don't worry, just enjoy the ride.

My locks are getting tighter underneath at the nape of my neck, all my hair is very lightweight and free flowing, thanks to this site teaching me about natural hair care. So my fellow dreadies, this is me at 11 months into my dreadhead for life. You'll see me soon again when I notice a change. Cheers!

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Ughh, everyone is saying that my dreads aren't "Right"

By Man-d, 2013-02-15

So Im moving into week 4-5 and the only maintenance I do is wash with the dread shampoo recommended by everyone on this site ( btw is freaking awesome)

Anyway, my mom tells me last night that my dreads aren't "Right" cuz they don't look like Bob Marley's. Wow Mom, No shit, I'm not a Rastafarian

Then the X-boyfriend says "I told yah" (siding with her) cuz he had dreads. But he's not Caucasian, so my hair texture is completely different. And he waxed and rolled his. However, he ended up shaved his head.

So yeah.... my dreads are messy and there is loose hair everywhere. But I keeping telling them. Its going to take some time for them to mature and I'm not cutting them out. I don't give a flying crap if I do look like a homeless person. It's my freaking hair.

Back to the point.... My Question is....... there is no "Right" way to grow dreads correct?

Can someone please reply and tell me I'm not crazy in my thinking!!

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Valentines Day question

By Pixiebird, 2013-02-14
My dreads are going on 3 weeks as of today! ^_^ my hubby surprised me with a gift for Valentines Day - beautiful beads! I have been putting beads in them and I'm wondering if that's okay? I move them around a little bit so they won't grow with the dread. They seem to be keeping my dreads tight.
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Good night Dreads lovers!

By Sibyl, 2013-02-14

Only have one thing to say, nice to meet you.

You are teaching me another way to live my life. I'm working on my patience and loving my hair. I'm learning how to love more myself and other people. I'm growing as my dreads are ( they are not dreads yet but we are on the right way ^^)

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Does anyone with young dreads ever get told they should get dreads? xD

By Rose, 2013-02-14

I have some beads on the dreads I have that are well formed enough. Today in class this boy was looking at my beads and was like "you should get dreads, and then put the beads on the dreads".

My dreads are nearly at 6 months. I didnt even say anything, I just kinda pulled out dread that looked enough like a dread for him to get it. He was like "are you doing that?". I'm all like, "yeah, just completely natural".

Convo paid off, because he started telling me he wanted dreads, and I showed him how to TnR on a little strand of my hair. I told him he should grow out his hair a little more, and he asked me what he should do then. I told him his options were TnR, backcomb, or freeform, I didn't even mention anything else. The only thing is he doesn't know anything about any of those, so I guess I should just send him to this website.

Uh... yeah, I've been told by a few other people that "i should get dreads". It's always leaves me having no idea what to say, cause by this point, you can see the damn dreads in my hair. Has that ever happened to anyone else?

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Fleece hat on dreads?

By SpaceQueen, 2013-02-14
Do fleece hats do anything for dreads like wool hats do? Thanks for any answers :)
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