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Sami Hanson


Location: Mcminnville, TN
Zipcode: 37110
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Baba Fats
08/21/13 08:30:12AM @baba-fats:

Welcome. Have you looked at the dreaducation page yet? if not, check it out first. Then look at the timeline forums to see what the first few weeks/months will be like

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/20/13 09:30:41PM @soaring-eagle:

08/30/13 10:04:29PM @darkstar:

Welcome. I'm sure you're going to hear the entire gambit about how bad wax is. It's all true. But you're not hear to hear about how bad wax is. You're probably hear to learn about how to care for locks and keep them healthy.

If that's the case, you'll hear even more about how bad wax is. Please don't take it like we're being mean. We just have a ton of members, myself included, that fell for the wax trap. We can absolutely help you get your locks back on the healthy path so they can last more than a few years, and not rot off like mine did

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/30/13 05:12:47AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but wax is a dread killer read the info on wax here and how many hadto start over due to wax use

its oure evil and a scam

but wax b gone will save your dsreads

but you should hurry

wax dreads rarely last past 3-4 years b4 they start to rot

08/30/13 10:04:29PM @darkstar:

Welcome. I'm sure you're going to hear the entire gambit about how bad wax is. It's all true. But you're not hear to hear about how bad wax is. You're probably hear to learn about how to care for locks and keep them healthy.

If that's the case, you'll hear even more about how bad wax is. Please don't take it like we're being mean. We just have a ton of members, myself included, that fell for the wax trap. We can absolutely help you get your locks back on the healthy path so they can last more than a few years, and not rot off like mine did

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/30/13 05:12:47AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome but wax is a dread killer read the info on wax here and how many hadto start over due to wax use

its oure evil and a scam

but wax b gone will save your dsreads

but you should hurry

wax dreads rarely last past 3-4 years b4 they start to rot

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