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dreadlocks shampoo
Patrick O'Riley


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12/30/10 04:47:03PM @nacko:
Thank you Patrick for defending me against that asshole, Maze or whatever. What a dick!! You are a true sweetheart though! Much much UNdreaded love to you!!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
12/27/10 06:48:03PM @soaring-eagle:
welcome to the site

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
02/29/12 10:17:45AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome crochets an extremely bad idea it just breaks hairs making it need constant repair.

and the rest of the stuff u use is for african type hair

which would be insane to crochet

id really advise u stop crochet befoee they get too weak and break off

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
02/29/12 10:17:45AM @soaring-eagle:

welcome crochets an extremely bad idea it just breaks hairs making it need constant repair.

and the rest of the stuff u use is for african type hair

which would be insane to crochet

id really advise u stop crochet befoee they get too weak and break off

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