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dreadlocks shampoo

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@lunakat13 • one month ago
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@lunakat13 • one month ago
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@lunakat13 • 2 months ago
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@lunakat13 • 2 months ago • comments: 2
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"Thank you! I can’t believe how fast the time went. They are below my butt now. I sit on my hair all the time =D June 9th will be their 6th anniversary."
@lunakat13 • 2 months ago • comments: 0
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@lunakat13 • 2 months ago
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@lunakat13 • 3 months ago
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@lunakat13 • 5 months ago
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@lunakat13 • 8 months ago
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@lunakat13 • 8 months ago • comments: 2
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"Haha thanks i had huge loopies for the 1st 2 years. That i think was about 1 &1/2 years. At 5 &  1/2 years I still have some loopies. All my..."

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Reema Fernandis
05/22/21 11:03:34PM @reema-fernandis:
It's not possible for me to get any products of this site.. In India there is not any particular shampoo for dreads.i m in search of shampoo which has same ingredients of this site shampoo bars.. I m suffering from itchy flacky powder type dandruff.. I don't know what to use.. I m afraid to use remidy because of buildup. What can I use aloe vera or any oil. Currently i m using tes tree Rosemary essential oils mix with water spray(5 to 6 drops for 100 ml water) nearly from one month. It gives relief just for five hour again it starts itchy when I swet. I wash my hair 3 times per week with shampoo bar and cold water. Here is a hard water is that couse for dandruff?

Reema Fernandis
05/22/21 10:45:19PM @reema-fernandis:

When u started saparating them.. I started my natural journey march 2021..on hair above my neck area knotted.. Like only 3 dreads.. My hair pretty much long (26inch).. It's delaying process bcz here hot summer day time i tie them up like bun some time only front hair with clip.. Kindly suggest any hair style for beginners

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/20/20 12:39:51AM @soaring-eagle:

its ok i just noticed it :) and appreciated every coment

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/20/20 12:15:40AM @soaring-eagle:

u comment your own page alot :) that job post / comment should have gone in the dreads and jobs forums :)

i never saw these here and u know im most active

10/26/19 09:39:31PM @lunakat13:

Hey everyone,I recently decided to go back to work and had a bit of concern over what would be with my hair being 16 months in and very messy. I have dreads but they are short and still the many loose undreaded hairs are messy but none the less now was the time to go back to work. Today I went to a Ups interview and Was hired on the spot.  I wanted to share this with everyone because aside from being excited I wanted to say because I see many many posts about jobs and concerns of getting hired or not.  There are lots of jobs out there for dreadies. As SE always says go in like you don’t have them and it’s not a thing and if they reject you due to your dreads you probably don’t want to work there anyway. Peace and love❤️✨🌙✨

08/16/18 01:16:57PM @lunakat13:

Another exciting and big step in my journey. Today I washed my hair and for the 1st time none of my young babies unraveled. They are loopy and bendy and wonderful. It’s a huge step and I wanted to share. 

07/23/18 05:08:26PM @lunakat13:

Update, since I began my journey I’ve learned alot most from this site. Actually probably all from this site. Since I started here it has been 5 weeks into my journey and I found some loopies today which is very very exciting. Much like planting seeds and seeing those 1st tiny little saplings bud which was also very exciting when I did gardening. Anyway I’ve been using the liquid locking shampoo from the site here and the sea salt spray both if which are amazing and wonderful. I highly reccomend it. This was just an update because It was so exciting to see the loops today. 

06/12/18 09:00:05AM @lunakat13:

Oh wow thank you. Every bit of advice is helpful. 

I have learned so much reading from this site and wish I found it sooner. I started my research about 2 years ago when I decided to dread my hair. From here I learned and decided not only to do all natural, no wax or rubberbands etc. I also learned and decided not to go to a loctician. I remember saying I really didn’t like that tight bald look and thought it could be harsh. Then I found the post here all about it. So thank you again, this is the most informative site and I’m looking forward to a head full of long healthy dreads. I would like to try the liquid soap since it helps the process. 

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
06/11/18 06:13:58PM @soaring-eagle:


be careful with bronners, in hard water it leaves very bad residues

the bars some say are safer then the liquid but is as pure natural and even more ethical and made for hard the liquid helps the dread faster

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