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dreadlocks shampoo
Lexi Royall


Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Zipcode: 15224
Country: US

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Tara C
08/15/11 09:16:04AM @tara-c:

Hey, just wanted to say don't worry so much lol when you look into how to get dreads, you usually come across places that tell you that you need to backcomb or use wax or whatever, but the truth is they'll do it even if you do absolutely nothing but wash. I backcombed mine and when I woke up they were all loose again, and it's been just over a week and they're already tightening, and that's without doing anything :) it's very stress-free, so don't worry, just wash your hair with non-residue shampoo or baking soda and apple cider vinegar, and separate the sections so they don't dread together. Good luck!

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/12/11 04:51:08PM @soaring-eagle:

use a non residue soap or the baking soda deep cleanse if soap only scrub the scalp if bs dont touch it at all if u do sea salt do it b4 u wash

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
08/11/11 08:55:31PM @soaring-eagle:


dread kits and salons are total ripoff scams and will only cause a total disaster needing to be started over they do everything 100% wrong dreads are free they dont cost a cent

if u pay for dreads its a guaranteed rippoff

dont be scammed dont ruin your dreads with wax kits or worse (salons) read the dreaducation page

read all over the site how bad salons and kits are

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