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Keagen Meckley


Location: Milton, PA
Zipcode: 17847
Country: US

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Blogs: 1

A Peaceful Journey

user image 2013-02-28
By: Keagen Meckley
Posted in:

Hello everybody. I knew from a young age that I wanted dreads, but I never really knew what went into it, how they formed, etc. Also, growing up, I was more of a quiet person, chill, etc. As I grew up, so did my understanding of life, how everyone should be treated equally, you should respect the earth, and just how the world is such a beautiful place. As you may know, in this day and age, I may belabeledas a "hippie", as in how I share the same opinions. views on life, and same looks as hippies did. I am proud to be the person I am, and am proud that I am now on my journey. I went into neglect dreading with more than just anexpectation to get dreads. I went into this so I couldultimately find inner peace, and so I could have the power to not worry what other people think about myself. As my journey has beencontinuing, I have seen myself change for the better. I am so glad to say that so far, I can see such a positive change in myself, and anyone who is thinking about it, I highly recommend you do it. At times it may seem slow, or very tedious, but it is so worth it. I have found a better person in myself, and I have only been dreading for 5 months. I cannot wait to not only see the change in my hair, but in myself as a human being as time goes on. I wish everyone a wonderful journey, and for you to stick in there no matter what. Remember, youmust not let other people disturb your inner peace; be kind, and love the Earth.

Castaway J
03/04/13 08:23:15PM @castaway-j:

Thank you for sharing your awesome journey thus far! I can relate to this 100% and have to say that it only gets better and better. Thank you for being Keagan, you are a beautiful spirit.

the Barrellady
02/28/13 06:35:10PM @the-barrellady:

It is so amazing the changes we experience within our being in only 5 months, and the feeling of totally letting go. Such beautiful writing for such a young soul, Peace

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