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dreadlocks shampoo
Katie Fife


Location: Ivins, UT
Zipcode: 84738
Country: US

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☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/17/12 04:04:46PM @soaring-eagle:

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/07/11 01:01:28PM @soaring-eagle:

cool if u look at alotta ppl who retwist they have more scalp then dreads it can cause the same issues that too tight corn rows can cayuse and thats why so many 19 year old african americans end up having hair transplants

salons sell you on the idea of that being a "tidy" look when to me it looks like your going bald..and eventualy thats exactly what it can cause

john q lucas
05/06/11 05:20:27PM @coty:

thank you for the friend request. You have a beautiful family!

I agree with SoaringEagle that you shouldn't retwist. My brother had dreads and he twisted them so much that a lot of them snapped off.

I would just seperate them so that they don't join together. The more you mess with them the worse they will be. Just take a look at Bob Marley,Peter Tosh,or Burning Spear.

Seperating and keeping them clean is the key in my experience And I have had mine for almost 14 yrs.

Lauriee dread brannon
05/03/11 12:49:14AM @heindrich-du-preez:



Jacob E. Fernando
05/02/11 03:37:23AM @ruca671:

thank u for the friend request:)

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
01/18/11 08:54:17AM @soaring-eagle:
welcomei would reconcider the retwisting that can cause permenant issues weakened roots (even breaking) traction alopecia and even permenant hair lossthere is never any reason to retwist and your dreads and scalp will be far more healthy if u leave em alone

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/07/11 01:01:28PM @soaring-eagle:

cool if u look at alotta ppl who retwist they have more scalp then dreads it can cause the same issues that too tight corn rows can cayuse and thats why so many 19 year old african americans end up having hair transplants

salons sell you on the idea of that being a "tidy" look when to me it looks like your going bald..and eventualy thats exactly what it can cause

john q lucas
05/06/11 05:20:27PM @coty:

thank you for the friend request. You have a beautiful family!

I agree with SoaringEagle that you shouldn't retwist. My brother had dreads and he twisted them so much that a lot of them snapped off.

I would just seperate them so that they don't join together. The more you mess with them the worse they will be. Just take a look at Bob Marley,Peter Tosh,or Burning Spear.

Seperating and keeping them clean is the key in my experience And I have had mine for almost 14 yrs.

Lauriee dread brannon
05/03/11 12:49:14AM @heindrich-du-preez:



Jacob E. Fernando
05/02/11 03:37:23AM @ruca671:

thank u for the friend request:)

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