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dreadlocks shampoo
Kadeem Dukes


Location: Somerset, NJ
Zipcode: 08873
Country: US

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07/21/13 05:49:53PM @sweet:

Would love to see some pics.

07/16/13 12:25:11AM @kadeem-dukes:
I'm locking up naturally just washing them and letting them be.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
07/16/13 12:20:09AM @soaring-eagle:

sure did andthats stupid all hair locks a babies baby fine hair will kock

are you dreading naturaly or using a method

try these

07/15/13 11:39:27PM @kadeem-dukes:
I am african American but the texture my hai is Very soft and curly. I was told that my hair was too good for dreads which sound dumb to me but I've been using that shampoo for while and was wondering did it hinder my progress towards locking up?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
07/15/13 10:57:13PM @soaring-eagle:

no iots not its moisturizing wich means conditioning and its fiull of residues

are u african american?

(not profuling haha guessing by the products used and the fact that your drawn to a moisturizing shampoo)

07/15/13 10:04:19PM @kadeem-dukes:
I was wondering if washing with herbal essence moisturizing shampoo good to use. I noticed that my dreads are softer after my hair fully dries.

Baba Fats
07/15/13 09:52:44PM @baba-fats:

Welcome. You'll be so much happier with the progress now that you've stopped back combing over and over. It'll start to actually lock up much faster

07/15/13 09:50:12PM @kadeem-dukes:
I backcombed over my hair every 3 weeks for 2 months using various gels like Jamaican mango n lime then I decided to go natural after seeing this site.

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
07/15/13 09:37:24PM @soaring-eagle:


uoi backcombed over and over for 2 months?

the Barrellady
07/15/13 09:17:19PM @the-barrellady:

Welcome to the community Kadeem. hope you journey is spectacular so far. Enjoy the site. If you need some tips, go the the dreaducation section at the top of the site to start....peace

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