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dreadlocks shampoo


Location: Canyon, TX
Zipcode: 79015
Country: US

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ashley ✿
03/13/11 11:25:30AM @ashley:
welcome to the site my friend

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
03/11/11 01:33:52PM @soaring-eagle:

06/15/12 12:37:54AM @dreaming-wolf:

hi there. thanks for accepting. have a great journey, ya! bless.

06/10/12 12:18:01PM @marisa:
Thank you pretty lady. How cool is that you are an awesome mom. I will look into unschooling my son. I belive it will be better for my baby bear in the long run. If you have any info to a new unschooler I will be more than greatfull for it.

06/01/12 04:16:46PM @marisa:
Hi, you are very interesting. If I read correct you are umschooling your 7 year old? I would like to venture down that road with my son. How is it working out for you.?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/29/12 11:48:02PM @soaring-eagle:

06/15/12 12:37:54AM @dreaming-wolf:

hi there. thanks for accepting. have a great journey, ya! bless.

06/10/12 12:18:01PM @marisa:
Thank you pretty lady. How cool is that you are an awesome mom. I will look into unschooling my son. I belive it will be better for my baby bear in the long run. If you have any info to a new unschooler I will be more than greatfull for it.

06/01/12 04:16:46PM @marisa:
Hi, you are very interesting. If I read correct you are umschooling your 7 year old? I would like to venture down that road with my son. How is it working out for you.?

☮ soaring eagle ॐ
05/29/12 11:48:02PM @soaring-eagle:

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