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Forum Activity for @doll-russell

Doll Russell
08/08/12 04:32:05AM
8 posts

What do I do with the loose hairs?

Dread Maintenance

Hehe, well alright. :) I'll just love them and let them do their thing then. <3 Thank you!

soaring eagle said:

u dont do nothing bout the 1st around the scalp either

your gonna have alot of loose hairs for awhule and in fact you'll get more soon

but then you'll get less too

but they will never go away you'll always have loose hairs here and there

the ones at the scalp will grow and become or join new dreads the onres sticking out of dreads will mostly suck in but leaving a bunch to stick out andbe frizzy they are more frizzy right after u wash then h-bvet les so

sea salt will suck em in but your dreads might get too dry too hard and tight so u wah and conditin (om=nce mature i jean) and they get more fuzzy and soft and u wanna cuddle em

honnestlky when they are lik more fuzzy they g]=feel so nice..till the hairs allong your face tickle yor eyes then u wanna dry em out so they knot up

but son enough you;ll want em soft and cuddly again

Doll Russell
08/08/12 02:14:10AM
8 posts

What do I do with the loose hairs?

Dread Maintenance

I don't mean the ones that I can find around my scalp, I know you just tuck those around the base of the dread and wait for them to get sucked in. I'm talking about the long bits of hair that stick out of random parts of my dreads. Like super long version of frizzy bits. How do I encourage those to go into the dread? I figure you just leave them alone like frizz but these guys are really quite long and look wonky even for my taste... And I don't want to cut them if there are much better options.

Do I just love them and accept them for their weirdness or can I do anything about them? My dreads are a day old btw. I'm sorry if I'm just beingpersnickety. >w< <3

updated by @doll-russell: 01/13/15 09:32:58PM
Doll Russell
08/08/12 07:11:03PM
8 posts

Hello everyone!

Introduce Yourself

Yes!! I support this fully~!!

Jackie said:

We should switch the site name to!!!!!
Doll Russell
08/08/12 12:51:15PM
8 posts

Hello everyone!

Introduce Yourself

Thank you so much! :D I'll be sure to take you up on that!

Valrie said:

Welcome Doll! Feel free to ask whatever questions you need to, that is why we are all here. :)

Doll Russell
08/08/12 02:17:46AM
8 posts

Hello everyone!

Introduce Yourself

Aww, thank you! :D I am so proud of them!

soaring eagle said:

well for day 1 they look good on ya :)

Doll Russell
08/08/12 02:06:57AM
8 posts

Hello everyone!

Introduce Yourself

Thank you for the welcome! :) I hope you enjoy your journey as well. <3 We can be newbies together.

Chuck Hunt said:

I'm pretty new myself, I TnRed mine Sunday. I just thought I'd drop in and welcome you, also best of luck on your journey

Doll Russell
08/07/12 07:15:43PM
8 posts

Hello everyone!

Introduce Yourself

Hello! I have been using this lovely website as a dreadlock bible for a while and finally decided it was about time to make an account! I dreaded my hair using the twist and rip method yesterday so I'm fresh and new! I just want to say I really appreciate this website and all of you for unknowingly providing me with a plethora of information I couldn't find anywhere else.

It helped me finally take the much longed-for step of dreading my hair and I am so so thankful. I had put it off for many many years for some reason or another, mainly because I have (or should say HAD thanks to the baking soda rinse+rosemary combo I learned about in one of the forums I was stalking!!) absolutely horrendous dandruff and I didn't want to look yucky.

But thanks to some study time and taking a leap of faith, here I am with the hair I have always wanted. I apologize in advance if I drive you all crazy with my questions! Thank you for having me, and thank you Soaring Eagle, you've provided a wonderland of knowledge! :D

~Doll Russell

updated by @doll-russell: 01/13/15 09:32:55PM
Doll Russell
08/07/12 08:32:37PM
8 posts

Quick question(s)

Dread Maintenance

I have a 32oz bottle that I use for my baking soda wash: 4 tablespoons baking soda + 30 drops rosemary (because I have dandruff) +water to the top of the bottle, shake til the baking soda is dissolved then pour on my head. I let that soak for 10-15 minutes then rinse out super thoroughly.

Then I do two cap fulls of ACV + 10 drops rosemary + 15 drops peppermint +water to the top, shake, pour, let it set for a few minutes then rinse it out. My scalp went from totally dandruff gross to gorgeous and clean. My dreads are wonderfully soft and smell so nice and the peppermint really kicked the itchiness in the butt.

After my hair is all dry I sometimes add coconut oil to moisturize and keep them healthy but you don't have to do that. I just like to use coconut oil for everything. :p You don't have to use the amount of stuff that I use btw. I was doing a strong rinse since my dandruff was so gross. A lot of people just use baking soda and water and call it groovy.

updated by @doll-russell: 07/19/15 03:33:27AM
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