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Forum Activity for @shannan

03/15/11 03:12:59PM
38 posts

Do you consider yourself a hippie?

General Talk

well i always thought it was someone who was into respecting the earth, living naturally (well as much as you can these days) etc it's probably open to vast interpretation.
03/15/11 02:38:16PM
38 posts

Do you consider yourself a hippie?

General Talk

Maybe its because i don't have any spirituality tied up with my lifestyle.
03/15/11 01:39:49PM
38 posts

Do you consider yourself a hippie?

General Talk

well that's what my friend Kecia would say lol
03/15/11 01:12:44PM
38 posts

Do you consider yourself a hippie?

General Talk

it's kind of complicated for me. I certainly am crunchy and have this adorable family and life that is completely non mainstream. For example, we homeschool, I had an unassisted homebirth, we babywear, we dont vax or circumcise, we use cloth diapers (when elimination communication isn't working), we cosleep, Nick is the stay at home parent, I extend breastfeed, we use cloth products (including TP) natural products, whole foods etc.I feel like a poser whenever I want to wear an apron top or something patchy. I LOVE the way hippies look but feel kind of weird about looking like one myself. Like people will make assumptions about me or something. totally weird because I dont generally care what people think.
updated by @shannan: 02/14/15 09:55:15AM
03/15/11 10:38:39AM
38 posts

dying dreads?

Dread Maintenance

Thanks. going back to my natural color would require bleaching since my natural color is "dirty blond" I'd prefer not to go that route since it will fry my hair big time. right now my hair is super healthy and shiny
03/14/11 10:59:05PM
38 posts

dying dreads?

Dread Maintenance

I use a semi perm dye every 6 weeks to give me this lovely shade of red. i would like to continue to color my hair, is that possible?
updated by @shannan: 01/13/15 08:57:33PM
03/31/11 02:26:06PM
38 posts

Figured I would introduce myself

Introduce Yourself

ug I have to separate every day, it's a big tangly mess
03/15/11 10:41:17AM
38 posts

Figured I would introduce myself

Introduce Yourself

thanks and will do. when do you start using salt water? do you finger comb your hair at all or do you just never do anything with it?
03/14/11 10:42:59PM
38 posts

Figured I would introduce myself

Introduce Yourself

Well I got wise and after being together 12 years, moved on. yeah I definitely am not interested in a lot of work, maintenance, and product so natural to me seems like the only way to go for sure.
03/14/11 10:21:31PM
38 posts

Figured I would introduce myself

Introduce Yourself

Ive been thinking about dreads for years. My controlling ex husband wouldn't "let me" get them and after the birth of my second child i cut my nearly waist long (impossible to maintain) hair in a pixie and kept short hair for a few years. Now that I have been growing my hair out for a couple years dreads are again on my mind, esp since I painstakingly have to comb the rats out of my hair 30 minutes a day. Just seems like dreads are the obvious choice.

updated by @shannan: 01/13/15 08:57:32PM
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