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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @dave3

03/10/11 04:53:56AM
3 posts

Hello all my Naughty Knotty Friends

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I understand what your saying. I have had dreadlocks for 7 years. I wrote to say hello and let everyone know what Im doing not for opinions. Thank you guys its not that I don't appreciate feed back but I know my hair and what works for it..

BTW soda rinse in excellent! I used 600ml water 1/4 soda, 5-10 drops tea tree, splash of lemon and a sprinkly of sea salt and my head feels like paradise right now! Very Clean! love it!

03/09/11 05:27:16PM
3 posts

Hello all my Naughty Knotty Friends

Introduce Yourself

I understand. 7 years of previous dreads. I know what works for my hair. I can't just leave everything ether cause of my job.
03/09/11 04:45:53PM
3 posts

Hello all my Naughty Knotty Friends

Introduce Yourself

Hey All,

I'm David and this is going to be my 2nd time having dreads. First time I had them for 7 years and cut them about 5 years ago or so. I am now 30 and still have a full head of hair so I said why not doing it again. Nice thing about this is that I did everything wrong in the first time, at least in the beginning after years they still looked pretty sick IMO. I work in an office setting but I don't deal with the general public I have no idea how they are going to go at work but i do know that they will be very clean smell great or not smell at all and at least look half decent.. (hopefully) I will need to do a bit of maintence in this regard but no biggy I already have 6 dreads in the front I did about 2 weeks ago or so and they are tightening up nicely even though I've used normal soap and my hair is corse and dead straight!.What Im doing this time around.

1 section in naturally occuring hair parts. ( ever notice on some of those dreadies that they naturally want to go to another one?) first time around I figured this out. If you don't have dreads yet you can get the general idea but the 2nd or 3rd day after a wash and your hair is just a tad gressy you'll notice the hair gathers in natural sections.. this is what Im going with more or less this time.

2. Backcomb.. very tightly.. I can't believe how much easier it has been this time. The first time I had dreads I first went to a salon and she caked the wax and twisted the hair. (she was an african lady and I guess only did dreads for that type of hair) took it out but some residue was left behind.. SOOOO LONGG To backcomb that mess... This time it might take about 5 to 10 minutes to backcomb really tight.

3 Keep clean. About to try the baking soda thing.. I for one think after cleaning any knots that are tight enough will tighten some will fall out but once they tighten they wont move again.

4 slight bit of maintence just to keep the powers to be at work from kicking me out! In my experience a bit of root rubbing causes friz but also gives the whole head a nice full look by making each dread stand a bit higher. palm roll, tips are always the worst for me. Last time I didn't even care about not having tight tips i kinda liked the look a bit. (I will post a pic below) This time I want my tips to lock up nice however. Loose hairs. no problem I just kinda twist them around the root very loosely.. almost all of this i end up just doing out of habit when im day dreaming or doing other stuff.

I will post pics of my new little ones soon for now these are what I used to have.

Peace out!


updated by @dave3: 01/13/15 08:57:15PM
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