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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @earth-muma

earth muma
01/21/12 09:19:13PM
2 posts

Hi there, I am just wondering,how you went with getting the lice outta ya hair??II have had dreads for about 8 years now,havent had lice yet,but am curious as to the process involved,guess im abit anxious about getting them,I have two children and imwaiting for the day they come home with them.Cheers

earth muma
12/13/10 04:47:08PM
2 posts

working with kids afraid of head lice

Dread Maintenance

Hi there guys,how are you all goin?

I have a question,i hope someone can answer.In the new year I will be looking for work with a kindergarten,orchildren'sservices.Im wondering what i can do to prevent getting those nasty head lice in my dreads.I have fairly long dreads with a short fringe andwispybits on the side.

I do use tea tree oil in my bi carb wash,but am wondering if there is anything else i can do.

Any advice would be awesome.


updated by @earth-muma: 01/13/15 08:51:27PM
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