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Forum Activity for @betty-weg

Betty Weg
09/11/10 04:01:25AM
13 posts

dreading the 1st few weeks of dreading

Dreading Methods

That was meant to say "aren't meant to look perfect" I've jjust the lost the ability to type, and spell, correctly :L Bethan Wegener said:
A friend of mine who's had them for a few years gave me some great advice. He said "dreads are ment to look perfect anyway. If you want a neat hairstyle, go straighten your hair! The loops, loose hairs and imperfections what give them character."
I thought that was brilliant! Now I don't mind them being messy for a good long time.
Betty Weg
09/09/10 09:28:19AM
13 posts

dreading the 1st few weeks of dreading

Dreading Methods

A friend of mine who's had them for a few years gave me some great advice. He said "dreads are ment to look perfect anyway. If you want a neat hairstyle, go straighten your hair! The loops, loose hairs and imperfections what give them character."I thought that was brilliant! Now I don't mind them being messy for a good long time.
updated by @betty-weg: 07/03/15 07:43:26AM
Betty Weg
09/09/10 09:37:21AM
13 posts

dread wax why ya don't want it why ya don't need it and how to remove it

Dread Products

Ayye, I almost fell for the same trick from DreadHead HQ. Fortunatly a friend, who had waxed, brushed out, and redreaded without wax, warned me before hand!
updated by @betty-weg: 07/23/15 11:18:38AM
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