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Forum Activity for @peacelovinmama

08/01/10 12:07:56AM
30 posts

peacelovinmama's 2 week dreadies

Member Journals and Timelines

AWE THANKS ;)I will try and get some fun outside pics tomorrow! You rock. soaringeagle said:
they are long and they are looking good
its just 2 weeks
they will loosen they will tighten they will loop and go wild theyre showing good progress for 2 weeks
cant wait to see your daughters too
07/31/10 11:56:46PM
30 posts

peacelovinmama's 2 week dreadies

Member Journals and Timelines

OK - So I promised a few pics of the little (but so long) babies. This is me at a little over 2 weeks. For those who do not know...I started with a little backcombing and elastics. I took the bands out after 6 days and then separated some of the LARGE dreads (thanks for the advice Soaring Eagle).I am now somewhere near 52 regular (various sizes, of course) dreads, and about 20 micro dreads. The tiny ones are somewhere between fine hair that does not want to dread and micro dreads.I have done 1 super amazing soda wash followed by a vinegar rinse. I have done one salt water rinse (the ocean would be SOOOOOOOOOOO much better though). I am washing them a few times a weak. I use dr b's gentle/mild baby bar soap. I have used dr b's liquid tea tree once, too. I found it to be pretty strong for me though. I am much more of a mild girl even before dreads. I plan to do soda again tomorrow.As far as what I have done - just wash and separate. Unfortunately, I have to pull my hair back at work at this point. I know my hair needs to be able to move in order to dread - so this bums me out totally. We are making a family move back to our favorite state, COLORADO, in two weeks. I will be working from home and totally able to leave my hair down all the time.I have had some flakes and some itchiness but as soon as I shower I feel instantly better. The flakes do not go away instantly, though. They are small, and my scalp is not irritated so I am not too worried. I think it has a little to do with hot, humid Texas. Dry Colorado should help, I think.I am a little worried about roots not tightening up much. Since I did start with backcombing I am not sure what to expect. The knots sort of slid down to the ends and seems to be moving up towards the roots now but slowly.My 7 year old daughter wants to dread her hair like mommy! She has super fine hair. We are not brushing and I am separating every day. She will be more natural! She has straight hair with these little locks that pull up around her neck. I am going to get some pics soon.I guess thats it for now! Let me know if you think of anything I am doing that I should not or vice versa that I should be doing. Thanks for all of your great posts and pics everybody!Peace to everyone!

updated by @peacelovinmama: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
07/23/10 10:32:31AM
30 posts

Hello & Can I get some advice?

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TOTALLY! I had the rubberbands for the whole 6 days - and MAN - the root area looks funky. I thought it would help hold roots tight...NOT. It actually is weird because the root area is straight (like neglect style...) while the ends are knotted up from backcombing. Seperating them last night (on SE's recommendation due to thickness) was SO PAINFUL. I see the reason to start as you intend to go - and to seperating being your maintenance style! I LOVE them already. Feels like a new heaad today though - for sure!Can't wait for mature dreadies!
07/23/10 09:44:19AM
30 posts

Hello & Can I get some advice?

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Thanks Emily, SE, and Jake for your comments! I will let you know how it goes. I am still working a desk job - but moving in a few weeks - and can keep these little locks out of the pony/bandana. I am guessing that will realy help!Peace... Jake Holland said:
Seems like your on the right path. Start up a journal and forget about time, keep em clean, and no more palm rolling as it does nothing.
07/23/10 07:46:28AM
30 posts

Hello & Can I get some advice?

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So - I spent last night seperating (and multiplying!!!!). I now have 47-50 - I guess they will decide. No more rubberbands. My head feels so much better this morning. Sleeping in rubberbands must be some kind of ancient torture!!! I am going get some baby bronners (the only kind I can use without an allerrgic reaction) and baking soda today. I will post more pictures after the soda wash and another shower....these little ones are looking awesome.Funny how much pleasure you can get from your hair.It feels like my haor was always trying to be just like this - but I kept saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.HaPeace Everyone :)
updated by @peacelovinmama: 07/23/15 05:01:08PM
07/22/10 01:15:25AM
30 posts

Hello & Can I get some advice?

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So - should I try to seperate some of the bigguns? It will be a process - but I am not hoping for HUGE dreadies....unless they want to be, I guess. It is pretty all pulled back into a pony right now I am at about an inch...and that is with some knottiness in there...usually I would be around .5-.75 inch pony without dreads.I think I am going ot do baking soda tomorrow night...need to get some. soaringeagle said:
21 will be pretty thick they will thicken up to about the root section size
07/22/10 12:58:08AM
30 posts

Hello & Can I get some advice?

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I am happy to loose some length to gain some dreadies! 30 to 13 will be shocking! Looking forward to this.... soaringeagle said:
it tends to dread towards the roots wow they will look amazing just a tip expect massive length loss extra long extra fine hair will shrink like crazy u might even be amazed that 30 inches of hair can shrink to 13..or..who knows maybe less.. but once it stops shrinking it will grow and grow
the bands do u no good lose em and if u can a clarifying shampoo will remove built up conditioners
07/22/10 12:56:48AM
30 posts

Hello & Can I get some advice?

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I have 21 now. I think most of them seem okay i thickness - but a few seem on the big side to me. I am not sure what to expect though. Suggestions? Or just leave alone. I think 5 more bands have busted since last post - so I am just letting them break and not replacing now. SO EXCITED BOUT MY KNOTS!!! I am making some big life changes right now - and these babies are going to walk that new path with me! Feels like we (my dreads and I) are long lost friends that are finally being reunited (Im a dork....I know!!!).Thanks for the quick reply....your dreads are completely phenomenal!!!!!!! soaringeagle said:
umm how many do u have sections look big they will make pretty thick dreads
07/22/10 12:28:02AM
30 posts

Hello & Can I get some advice?

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I totally will! The baking soda sounds perfect right about now. I was thinking I should get rid of the bands - just thought they might fall out (knots - not hair...hahaha). I feel like my hair is going from bottom to top with dread instead of top to bottom.... guess that is what happens with fine/backcombed hair.... Emily said:
I say ditch the rubber bands and seperate as you see fit :) theyll turn out great! and you should try the baking soda wash

and welcome to the site :)
07/22/10 12:14:35AM
30 posts

Hello & Can I get some advice?

Introduce Yourself

Hi all! So I am BRAND NEW!!! I have read through many of your posts already - and I feel like I kind of know some of you. My hair is about 30" long...and super fine. I did some backcombing last weekend - NO WAX. I palm rolled a tiny bit, too. I think I spent about 6 hours on my whole head - so not much time really - considering my length. I have elastics in at the roots (which keep breaking). I am going to be completely natural from this point forward (no more comb). I have washed once. I have pretty tangled (from the comb) hair at the ends - maybe halfway up. From root to halfway down - I am pretty straight and not dreaded. I am content to leave well enough alone from here on out. I am just wondering if anyone here has any suggestions for me.Should I try to undo everything and start naturally? I am not sure how it would go - as I am really tangled at the ends.Can I just keep going from here? I really love what I have so far. Plenty frizzy and unkept looking right now...but that is fine with me.I am so glad that I did not gut feeling was so right.Some hair will dread into one BIG congo (appearntly - that is what it is called) after about 2 weeks of washing, no brush, no comb, no seperating. I typically wash (prior to dreading) about 2 times/week. I rarely brush/comb. Maybe 2-3/month. I have always super conditioned, though. Up to about 3 days before I backcombed - serious conditioner - natural - but heavy amounts.I guess the biggest thing for me is this - I am certain about dreading - I have known for years that I would eventually. I just want to make sure that I did not begin wrong - and I do not want to regret it later.Some Pics!

Peace to Everyone!
updated by @peacelovinmama: 02/14/15 06:18:07AM
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