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Forum Activity for @monique-wilson

Monique Wilson
11/13/10 07:29:17PM
9 posts

First time meeting parents.

Introduce Yourself

Thanks guys! Everything went good yesterday and today! I ended up putting it in a lowerside ponytail, haha looks classy but still has some style :) I was myself with them, Their really easy to get along with, and the wedding was magnificiant!!!
Monique Wilson
11/12/10 07:35:55AM
9 posts

First time meeting parents.

Introduce Yourself

Hey, I'm an 18 year old girl, And my boyfriend is 25, today we are heading to his sisters wedding, and it is the first time I meet his Family. I'm stuck on what to do with my hair, Their only 5 months old, so their still messy, But I get great compliments when I do put them down. I really want to impress the parents but not sure what the greatess way to do so.Anyone Got any Ideas?
updated by @monique-wilson: 01/13/15 08:49:29PM
Monique Wilson
10/11/10 08:11:43PM
9 posts

Kinks in dreads?

Dread Maintenance

Awesome! Thanks you guys! I appreciate it :)
Monique Wilson
10/10/10 08:26:56PM
9 posts

Kinks in dreads?

Dread Maintenance

haha thanks, i love them, but i wasnt sur if i was suposed to happen. do they go away? or will i get em forever :P
Monique Wilson
10/10/10 07:24:41PM
9 posts

Kinks in dreads?

Dread Maintenance

So I tend to get some kinks in my dreads, where it gets either flattened out, or the hair creates a bump poping out of it. Why is this happening, and how can i fix and prevent this fom happening?
updated by @monique-wilson: 01/13/15 08:47:33PM
Monique Wilson
08/31/10 09:20:08PM
9 posts

Finish ends?

Dread Maintenance

haha, thanks guys, I really had no idea what I was doing at the beginning, but this site helps a lotThanks :)
Monique Wilson
08/29/10 07:16:37PM
9 posts

Finish ends?

Dread Maintenance

haha alright, not even acuatly tightning them? XD Joe muir said:
just leave em alone and they will do what they will. no further maitanence from you
Monique Wilson
08/29/10 06:58:26PM
9 posts

Finish ends?

Dread Maintenance

heyy! I've had my dreads for about 3-4 months, i seem to have to tightend them every few days, and I never seem to figure out how to finish the ends... Anyone got some advice? :)
updated by @monique-wilson: 01/13/15 08:44:53PM
Monique Wilson
08/29/10 07:14:27PM
9 posts

dread wax why ya don't want it why ya don't need it and how to remove it

Dread Products

I'm happy when i first started about 3-4 months ago I started with some fake wax you can by in drugs stores, just enough stickyness to start it sort of off, and it worked, when I tighten them up now, i dont put wax in, and it feels so much better, I'm happy i'm informed now, thats a wicked new lesson for my day hahah thanks :)
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