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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @austin-mann

Austin Mann
11/22/11 05:54:19PM
19 posts

Tightening new dreads

Introduce Yourself

Ok on Thursday my dreads will be 3 weeks old(: ive been using a spray i made myself out of sea salt, aloe vera, lemon juice and warm water and just recently started wearing a tam when i sleep. I was just wondering if there was any other things out there that yall have found to help your dreads get tighter.

updated by @austin-mann: 01/13/15 09:14:16PM
Austin Mann
06/20/10 08:10:46PM
19 posts

1 month natural locks

Introduce Yourself

thx guys (: all of yalls dreads look great too!!
Austin Mann
06/20/10 12:46:06PM
19 posts

1 month natural locks

Introduce Yourself

Thx (: it's coming along better than i had hoped for
Austin Mann
06/20/10 09:43:39AM
19 posts

1 month natural locks

Introduce Yourself

at 1 month, my beads came in today too (:

updated by @austin-mann: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
Austin Mann
05/28/10 12:51:59PM
19 posts

how many times a week should i wash my dreads??

Dread Maintenance

thx se and yeah ive noticed it looking and feeling a little oily soaringeagle said:
when u feel u need to
once twice 3 times a week
daily would be too often youd get too oily
Austin Mann
05/28/10 10:40:29AM
19 posts

how many times a week should i wash my dreads??

Dread Maintenance

So ive been washing with Dr. Bronners 18in1 Lavender..i shower daily but should i wash my hair everytime i shower or a few times a week?
updated by @austin-mann: 01/13/15 08:36:08PM
Austin Mann
05/30/10 03:11:12PM
19 posts

My natural dreadlock journey timeline

Member Journals and Timelines

Thx (: Rachel Guthrie said:
they're going to be super nice :)
Austin Mann
05/27/10 10:06:16PM
19 posts

My natural dreadlock journey timeline

Member Journals and Timelines

thx for changing that lol i dont really know what all to put. And yeah i plan on separating them, i want big locks about an inch in diameter ya know. ill take more pics next week and update it. Thx again brother for the advice :D soaringeagle said:
yea man that hair will dread like crazy!
umm u can put pics in the post instead of attaching that way u can edit 1st post with updates update often.. weeks 1-4 weekly 4-8 every 2 weeks then monthly..but well adjust that based on how fast they dread
ive seen some hair dread naturaly extremely fast others not so fast

im betting yours will be pretty quick

are u planning on seperating to keep em semi controlled? your hair might wanna form huge dreads otherwise

edited title to be more descriptive
Austin Mann
05/27/10 03:23:22PM
19 posts

My natural dreadlock journey timeline

Member Journals and Timelines

im at three weeks nowbefore i stopped brushing

just 1 week

at 2 weeks :D

now at three

my fav one so far, he's gotta couple loops and he's squiggly (:

updated by @austin-mann: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
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