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dreadlocks shampoo

Forum Activity for @rob-g

Rob G
05/08/10 06:00:28PM
6 posts

Stoked to get some dreads going

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Thanks everyone for the advice! I will definitely be careful with the salt water and rinse it out really well.I bought dr bronners and I've been washing every 3rd day, it seems to be working great so far! And I bought mine at Target for $8 I think it's the small one, they have the big ones there for $12 too which is a pretty decent price, plus it's a pretty common place for most people to have easy access too. Thanks again everyone!

Sister Rags said:
Hi Rob, welcome : )I live in a moderate water (good balance between hard/soft) city and I still find that washing every other day or every 3rd day with Dr. Bronner's locks my hair best.I wonder why Dr. B's is so expensive for you? I just bought a bottle today (from a food store), small bottle, costs under $4. If you go to the Dr. B's home site and buy $20 worth of stuff, shipping is free.
Rob G
05/07/10 10:10:40PM
6 posts

Stoked to get some dreads going

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I just want to say thanks to all the great info in this site and all the helpful members for giving such great advice on everything about dreadlocks!I have been doing the natural method for only 4 days and I am so happy to find about 8 little baby dreads forming in the back of my head already! I have been doing a little wool rubbing for less than 5 minutes when I first wake up the last couple days and that seems to be helping a lot!I think I'm going to find a nice wool tam to wear when I sleep and maybe try some salt water as well to help with the locking process. Thanks again everyone for leading me into this happy journey of natural dreadlocks!

Rob G said:
Haha yeah I guess I didn't realize how dumb of a question that was! Thanks for all your help, it's awesome that you share all your experience with everyone on here and are always answering everyones questions. Much love to you, thanks for all the great insight

soaringeagle said:
most common question of all.. ill answer it with a questionis it ok if it rains?ofcourse u can get it wet..its hair Rob G said:
Thanks for the help, today is day 1! Is it ok if my hair gets wet while I shower if I'm not wahing it? Also, I surf and I hear the salt water will help it lock up so I'm glad that that will help too

GoldenEagle said:
If you are still washing your hair once a day. Start washing your hair every other day for a month and then once every two days for another month and then once every three of four days. Doing this will allow your scalp more time to adjust to producing less oil more gradually. If you are living with any roommates or family members be sure to let them know what you aiming to do by washing your hair less often.
Rob G
05/03/10 11:10:37AM
6 posts

Stoked to get some dreads going

Introduce Yourself

Haha yeah I guess I didn't realize how dumb of a question that was! Thanks for all your help, it's awesome that you share all your experience with everyone on here and are always answering everyones questions. Much love to you, thanks for all the great insight

soaringeagle said:
most common question of all.. ill answer it with a questionis it ok if it rains?ofcourse u can get it wet..its hair Rob G said:
Thanks for the help, today is day 1! Is it ok if my hair gets wet while I shower if I'm not wahing it? Also, I surf and I hear the salt water will help it lock up so I'm glad that that will help too

GoldenEagle said:
If you are still washing your hair once a day. Start washing your hair every other day for a month and then once every two days for another month and then once every three of four days. Doing this will allow your scalp more time to adjust to producing less oil more gradually. If you are living with any roommates or family members be sure to let them know what you aiming to do by washing your hair less often.
Rob G
05/03/10 09:25:18AM
6 posts

Stoked to get some dreads going

Introduce Yourself

Thanks for the help, today is day 1! Is it ok if my hair gets wet while I shower if I'm not wahing it? Also, I surf and I hear the salt water will help it lock up so I'm glad that that will help too

GoldenEagle said:
If you are still washing your hair once a day. Start washing your hair every other day for a month and then once every two days for another month and then once every three of four days. Doing this will allow your scalp more time to adjust to producing less oil more gradually.If you are living with any roommates or family members be sure to let them know what you aiming to do by washing your hair less often.
Rob G
05/02/10 02:04:10PM
6 posts

Stoked to get some dreads going

Introduce Yourself

Thanks for the help guys, Im hoping to be able to get the dr bonners tomorrow and get started immediately. Well see if it works with my hair this short, might as well start it and just let It do whatever it wantsthebsheilds,let me know how it goes for you dude

soaringeagle said:
well every 3 days probly and bronners unless u have hard water u might wsanna look into the baking soda mix mine started pretty short u may or may not find it dreads shortewr then the usual 6 inches
Rob G
05/02/10 09:52:00AM
6 posts

Stoked to get some dreads going

Introduce Yourself

Hey guys I just started reading up around the forums here and there's a ton of awesome info to help me get started! I've wanted dreads for as long as I can remember just never really made it happen for some reason. Back in high school when I had long hair it kinda started to knot up on it's own in the back but shortly thereafter I buzzed my head and it's been like that for the past 6 years or so.But now the time has come and I have decided to grow out some natural dreads thanks to all the positive vibes about going natural on these forums! I am very excited to get started, I have very thick hair and I've never brushed it in my life so I think it will knot up pretty good. My hair is only 3 inches now and just covers my ears completely, I know that's probably too short to get started but what do you guys think?I figured it couldn't hurt to start using residue free shampoo and just let it do it's thing. Also, how often should I wash it? I usually wash my hair once a day but should I back off to like every 2 or 3? And I'm planning on going to get some shampoo should I go with neutrogena or dr bronners to start off? I'm planning on just going to target or somewhere to get some.Thanks in advance!Rob
updated by @rob-g: 11/12/21 07:20:50PM
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