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Forum Activity for @new-dreddie

new dreddie
12/20/10 12:53:28PM
75 posts

thick or thin dreads for blonde hair

Dreading Methods

Thank you chica! I agree that Dave changed the subject very quickly to blacks. He was putting down blacks and grouping us all together. The last time I checked Dave and his cronies stereotyped blacks in a very negative manner. I have seen SOME whites, Asian, Black, etc with various dreads (thin, medium, chunky and extra-chunky). Putting down people like Dave and his buds should drain the life out of them. :)
dreadlockedlady said:

New dreddie is a very sweet person. She never said or alluded to hating anyone, LOL.

As far as Thunderquall being Black (if that is how he chooses to classify himself) doesn't matter. He can still be ignorant about dreads and for me, Daveovthedead's statements were more ignorant. This thread was about thick or thin dreads for blonde hair and he went on a tangent and gave his uninformed statements about Black dreads :(

Maxe said:

Hating haters seems self contradictory ;)

Isn't Thundersquall 'black' himself even?

new dreddie
12/20/10 12:31:32PM
75 posts

thick or thin dreads for blonde hair

Dreading Methods

Maxe said:

Hating haters seems self contradictory ;)

Isn't Thundersquall 'black' himself even?

new dreddie
12/18/10 06:23:25PM
75 posts

thick or thin dreads for blonde hair

Dreading Methods

THANK YOU dreadlockedlady!
It is really hilarious to have someone group all people together and want to appear so knowledgeable! I told the "DREADLOCK KING" that he needs to acquire some knowledge. I have seen good looking dreads on all people and bad ones regardless of race, religion, etc. He is a hater and probably wish that he COULD have dreads like the people heis putting down. :)
dreadlockedlady said:

*clapping hands @ new dreddie's posts*

Thank you.

First, not everyone with pencil thin dreads are salon-manufactured. Some of my dreads are thin and the have not seen the hands of another person, except my husband :) You CAN have freeformed thin dreads ya know. Do a little research.

Also, who made YOU the dread judge talking about what Black people have you barely consider to be dreads. WTF!!! You can't be serious...

This site is pretty funny @ times :/

updated by @new-dreddie: 07/10/15 01:59:28PM
new dreddie
12/18/10 04:52:24PM
75 posts

thick or thin dreads for blonde hair

Dreading Methods

Who cares what you consider to be dreads? The whites I have seen with pencil-thin dreads--either they look good or they don't.Whites, Asians, etc have dreads of all sizes and wear weaves.Whites and other races will even purchase dread perms to lock their hair.You are very ignorant and you need to acquire some knowledge to enlighten yourself. All races wear or previously worn weave or artificial hair. My hair is dreaded and my locks aren't pencil-thin. You and your buddy arehaters and you seriously need to do research and get a life.
Daveovthedead said:

Yea it's pretty lame. thats why I always hate it when people say dreads a re a black thing. I barely consider what black people have as dreads. They might as well have a weave

Thundersquall said:

That is so true particularly if you watch NFL see how many black players have those pencil thin dreads/twists its insane. Dont know why that is either cause thicker dreads i think do look better on men.No personalityin their haircause it all looks the exact same.

Daveovthedead said:

ummm thats a really hard question to answer, but for me personally the thicker, not necessarily overly the top thick, but thick nonetheless dreads have a more natural look to them. It seems really common for black people to have thin dreads. The thin ones at least the way they do them end up looking fake and too well manicured. Plus the fact that a salon does it takes I think most of the beauty out of having dreads in the first place.

new dreddie
12/18/10 01:10:52PM
75 posts

thick or thin dreads for blonde hair

Dreading Methods

My head has never been in the sand, I willrefuse to try and have a conversation with you in the future. Like I said previously, you are stereotyping blacks and you need to get your facts straight. As far as aPC society, I will state my opinion and I care less about political correctness. You speak as if you know black people all over the world and you do not. some blacks do not like the terminology "African-American". You are stereotyping buddy and I am so done with you.

Daveovthedead said:

no it's honestly not sterotyping people. i'm jsut goin by what I see. And what i see are a bunch of people with the same sixed locks. I find that hard to believe thats its just a coincidence. Like I said above i'm not speaking for everyone, but what I see is that they look are are made my salons. I believe and I think a lot of true locked people beleive is that when you ahve locks its a personal commitment beyond just a hair style.

Look around you. you know it's not a stereotype. For the next month look at all the black peolpe( or African American) with locks and tell me they aren't made from a factory.... I know we live in a pc society, but don't keep your head in the sand

new dreddie
12/17/10 07:42:32PM
75 posts

thick or thin dreads for blonde hair

Dreading Methods

You don't have your facts right. It is not common for blacks to have thin dreads--my dreads aren't thin because it is a preference. Your stereotyping about people.

Daveovthedead said:

ummm thats a really hard question to answer, but for me personally the thicker, not necessarily overly the top thick, but thick nonetheless dreads have a more natural look to them. It seems really common for black people to have thin dreads. The thin ones at least the way they do them end up looking fake and too well manicured. Plus the fact that a salon does it takes I think most of the beauty out of having dreads in the first place.

new dreddie
12/31/10 12:14:33AM
75 posts

Dreads & racism

Life Issues Facing Dreads

Good thoughts jamon. I feel the same way. Dreads are dreads in my opinion. White, black, it doesn't matter.

jamon king said:
i personal like anyone with dreads i don't care about skin color of the person that has them, in high school i was the driving force for two of my Caucasians friends to get dreads i actually helped them start them :-) i think there hair dreaded is amazing, and i get strange looks from my own race "African American" then again i also get strange looks from them because i don't listen to R&B, hip hop, rap, etc lol
when it come to race im color blind

new dreddie
01/17/12 09:16:26PM
75 posts

Dread Heritage

History and Religious Significance

Hey Brothers and Sisters,

We are all people with different cultures flowing and this is what makes us unique and beautiful!

African,English, Irish, Cherokee and Chickasaw Native-Americanand God knows what else! :) I like having different ethnicities flowing through my veins! My husband has German, Irish and Britishlineages.Way Cool!

new dreddie
11/13/10 10:42:49PM
75 posts

crochet dreads idiots on youtube

Dread Maintenance

I hate the scalpy look and that is what I'm going through. I hope that the holes fill in or something--not cool! ;(
new dreddie
10/10/10 08:29:49PM
75 posts

No Loops, No Kinks...Thinking About Giving Up

Dreading Methods

Hey,Don't give up!! I almost gave up too because my hair wasn't dreadding, now it is coming together better. Trust me, it will take a loonnng time for my hair to dread up fully. I am so impatient, but I will keep my dreads. I even thought about cutting my hair!!! I'm so glad that I didn't!!!! Hang in there, you can do it!!!:)
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