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Forum Activity for @metalhead

10/25/12 05:56:04AM
6 posts

Lifestyle vs Dreadlocks

General Questions

Yeah I have considered splitting them, I made a thread a couple of weeks back looking for advice on it, yeah it's a bit risky.

10/24/12 07:02:21PM
6 posts

Lifestyle vs Dreadlocks

General Questions

I only started surfing last year, I was injured in March so I am only recently returning to the water after 6 months of not surfing. I've been thinking about it for the last couple of months.

Baba Fats said:

How have you been doing it for the past 2 years? What made you startconsideringthis now?

10/23/12 08:38:09PM
6 posts

Lifestyle vs Dreadlocks

General Questions

I live on the coast of Ireland and I surf a lot. The surf is much better in the winter and some days I spend up to 5 hours in the water. During December/January there will be frost/snow outside when I'm getting in the water to surf. A lot of times it is dark by the time I'm done and freezing cold outside. I am so sick of waiting for my hair to dry, it can take HOURS. I've often had to go to bed with damp dreads which feels horrible, and sometimes it causes me to wake up sweating several times during the night. Sometimes I surf for several days in a row, and my hair is pretty much constantly wet for those days and causes it to just look completely messy, loose hair sticking out everywhere like I've been dragged through a bush, which is a look that I don't want.

I've tried using a hairdryer to help speed up the drying process but some of my dreads are really, really thick and sitting down waving a hairdryer around my head is not how I'd like to spend every evening. Not to mention I go through towels at an alarming rate.

In a few months I'll be working as a surf instructor during the tourist season, which means I'll be in the water several times a day, almost every day and I don't think I will be able to stand having my hear soaking wet all the time. During the summer it dries a bit better (obviously) but I'm already dreading the coming weeks of changing into my clothes and feeling the cold unforgiving water drip from my hair down my neck, soaking my t-shirt and my car seat on the way home. I'm actually jealous of some of my friends with short hair because they will never have this problem.

One more than one occasion I've passed on an evening surf because I wasn't bothered getting my hair wet before I went to bed. See now this has just gone too far...

Dreadlocks were supposed to be an expression of freedom, let them go and do their thing.

But my dreadlocks are surpressing MY freedom, by being a complete nuisance to deal with. I've had them for just over 2 years and have grown very attached to them, it has been a fun journey but I do not want it to continue like this. I am on the brink of combing them out, maybe I might leave one or two in because I know I will miss having them, but if having dreads is going to hinder me from living my life comfortably then they'll just have to go =(

updated by @metalhead: 01/13/15 09:38:14PM
10/08/12 08:11:44AM
6 posts

How to split thick mature dreads?

Help! Save My Dreads

Thanks for info bobbi!

10/07/12 08:02:47PM
6 posts

How to split thick mature dreads?

Help! Save My Dreads

Thanks for the replies!

They are pretty damn tight so I'd say it might take a few sessions to rip them out. One of my friends suggested using a scissors instead of ripping them but I dunno, I think it would just look wrong!

10/06/12 02:43:41PM
6 posts

How to split thick mature dreads?

Help! Save My Dreads

I have 2 thick mature dreads at the back that are trying to take over my head. Any new growth seems to get sucked into them. I'm trying to split them, would it be better to comb them out and let them redread or is there another way?

updated by @metalhead: 02/05/15 10:12:49AM
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